Hitung hari kerja


Saya memerlukan metode untuk menambahkan "hari kerja" di PHP. Misalnya, Jumat 12/5 + 3 hari kerja = Rabu 12/10.

Minimal saya memerlukan kode untuk memahami akhir pekan, tetapi idealnya kode itu juga harus memperhitungkan hari libur federal AS. Saya yakin saya bisa menemukan solusi dengan kekerasan jika perlu, tapi saya berharap ada pendekatan yang lebih elegan di luar sana. Siapa saja?

Terima kasih.

Saya membuat perpustakaan yang layak untuk itu. github.com/andrejsstepanovs/business-days-calculator Stabil dan siap untuk produksi.
Oh, saya pikir kita harus menyebutkan bahwa, saat ini, kita bisa menggunakan fungsi DateTime :: modifikasikan untuk menambahkan hari kerja langsung: $ my_date = new \ DateTime (); $ my_date-> ubah ("+ 7 hari kerja"); akan tampil begitu saja.
Sebuah blog detail: goo.gl/YOsfPX
Suresh Kamrushi
Jawaban yang lebih sederhana / lebih bersih: stackoverflow.com/questions/5532002/…



Berikut adalah fungsi dari komentar pengguna pada halaman fungsi date () di manual PHP. Ini merupakan peningkatan dari fungsi sebelumnya di komentar yang menambahkan dukungan untuk tahun kabisat.

Masukkan tanggal mulai dan akhir, bersama dengan larik hari libur yang mungkin ada di antaranya, dan ini mengembalikan hari kerja sebagai bilangan bulat:

//The function returns the no. of business days between two dates and it skips the holidays
function getWorkingDays($startDate,$endDate,$holidays){
    // do strtotime calculations just once
    $endDate = strtotime($endDate);
    $startDate = strtotime($startDate);

    //The total number of days between the two dates. We compute the no. of seconds and divide it to 60*60*24
    //We add one to inlude both dates in the interval.
    $days = ($endDate - $startDate) / 86400 + 1;

    $no_full_weeks = floor($days / 7);
    $no_remaining_days = fmod($days, 7);

    //It will return 1 if it's Monday,.. ,7 for Sunday
    $the_first_day_of_week = date("N", $startDate);
    $the_last_day_of_week = date("N", $endDate);

    //---->The two can be equal in leap years when february has 29 days, the equal sign is added here
    //In the first case the whole interval is within a week, in the second case the interval falls in two weeks.
    if ($the_first_day_of_week <= $the_last_day_of_week) {
        if ($the_first_day_of_week <= 6 && 6 <= $the_last_day_of_week) $no_remaining_days--;
        if ($the_first_day_of_week <= 7 && 7 <= $the_last_day_of_week) $no_remaining_days--;
    else {
        // (edit by Tokes to fix an edge case where the start day was a Sunday
        // and the end day was NOT a Saturday)

        // the day of the week for start is later than the day of the week for end
        if ($the_first_day_of_week == 7) {
            // if the start date is a Sunday, then we definitely subtract 1 day

            if ($the_last_day_of_week == 6) {
                // if the end date is a Saturday, then we subtract another day
        else {
            // the start date was a Saturday (or earlier), and the end date was (Mon..Fri)
            // so we skip an entire weekend and subtract 2 days
            $no_remaining_days -= 2;

    //The no. of business days is: (number of weeks between the two dates) * (5 working days) + the remainder
//---->february in none leap years gave a remainder of 0 but still calculated weekends between first and last day, this is one way to fix it
   $workingDays = $no_full_weeks * 5;
    if ($no_remaining_days > 0 )
      $workingDays += $no_remaining_days;

    //We subtract the holidays
    foreach($holidays as $holiday){
        //If the holiday doesn't fall in weekend
        if ($startDate <= $time_stamp && $time_stamp <= $endDate && date("N",$time_stamp) != 6 && date("N",$time_stamp) != 7)

    return $workingDays;



echo getWorkingDays("2008-12-22","2009-01-02",$holidays)
// => will return 7
fungsi ini mengharapkan tanggal mulai dan akhir bagaimana jika Anda memiliki tanggal mulai dan Anda ingin hasilnya x hari kerja dari tanggal tertentu?
@mcgrailm: Ini ide yang mirip, tetapi Anda mungkin ingin menulis fungsi kedua karena argumen dan nilai kembalian dipertukarkan. Ini akan menjadi sesuatu seperti ((X hari% 5 hari per minggu) * 2 hari per akhir pekan) + X hari + perbedaan hari dalam seminggu dari tanggal mulai dan akhir + hari libur).
@mcgrailm: Baru saja menemukan pertanyaan ini - jawabannya mungkin mengarahkan Anda ke arah yang benar: stackoverflow.com/questions/2681787/… .
Ada bug dalam fungsi ini. Bagaimana jika ada perubahan zona waktu antara tanggal tersebut? Misalnya untuk CEST: echo getWorkingDays ("2012-01-01", "2012-05-01", $ Holidays); tidak akan memberi Anda integer. stackoverflow.com/questions/12490521/…
Itu cara lama untuk melakukannya. Gunakan jawaban Glavić jika memungkinkan
Thomas Ruiz

Dapatkan jumlah hari kerja tanpa hari libur antara dua tanggal:

Gunakan contoh:

echo number_of_working_days('2013-12-23', '2013-12-29');




function number_of_working_days($from, $to) {
    $workingDays = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; # date format = N (1 = Monday, ...)
    $holidayDays = ['*-12-25', '*-01-01', '2013-12-23']; # variable and fixed holidays

    $from = new DateTime($from);
    $to = new DateTime($to);
    $to->modify('+1 day');
    $interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
    $periods = new DatePeriod($from, $interval, $to);

    $days = 0;
    foreach ($periods as $period) {
        if (!in_array($period->format('N'), $workingDays)) continue;
        if (in_array($period->format('Y-m-d'), $holidayDays)) continue;
        if (in_array($period->format('*-m-d'), $holidayDays)) continue;
    return $days;
Saya memberi suara positif karena berfungsi dan memiliki beberapa peningkatan yang luar biasa :) Tetapi Anda setidaknya harus menyebutkan @Suresh Kamrushi yang memposting sebagian besar kode ini sebulan sebelumnya. :)
Jika hari kerja selalu Senin hingga Jumat, Anda dapat mengganti array DateInterval dan hari kerja karena $interval = DateInterval::createFromFormat('1 weekday');saya juga merekomendasikan penggunaan $holidays = array_flip($holidays);before theach dan if isset($holidays[$period->format('Y-m-d')]);untuk menurunkan jumlah waktu pemrosesan yang diperlukan per iterasi. Tetapi rekomendasikan untuk membuat fungsi khusus untuk hari libur agar dapat memproses hari libur relatif seperti syukur last thursday of novemberatau hari buruhfirst monday of september
Bisakah ini diperluas untuk mencakup Jumat Agung (yang sepertinya saya ingat adalah hari Jumat sebelum Minggu pertama setelah bulan purnama pertama setelah 21 Maret)?
Damian Yerrick
Waspadai zona waktu yang berbeda. Di sini, dengan Eropa / Berlin, ini tidak akan berhasil. Saya hanya melakukannya di stempel waktu sekarang dengan tanggal ('N') dan menambahkan 1 hari dan zona waktunya tidak tergantung.

Ada beberapa argumen untuk fungsi date () yang seharusnya membantu. Jika Anda memeriksa tanggal ("w") itu akan memberi Anda nomor untuk hari dalam seminggu, dari 0 untuk Minggu sampai 6 untuk Sabtu. Jadi .. mungkin sesuatu seperti ..

$busDays = 3;
$day = date("w");
if( $day > 2 && $day <= 5 ) { /* if between Wed and Fri */
  $day += 2; /* add 2 more days for weekend */
$day += $busDays;

Ini hanyalah contoh kasar dari satu kemungkinan ..


Perhitungan hari libur tidak standar di setiap Negara Bagian. Saya sedang menulis aplikasi bank yang memerlukan beberapa aturan bisnis yang ketat tetapi masih bisa mendapatkan standar kasar.

 * National American Holidays
 * @param string $year
 * @return array
public static function getNationalAmericanHolidays($year) {

    //  January 1 - New Year’s Day (Observed)
    //  Calc Last Monday in May - Memorial Day  strtotime("last Monday of May 2011");
    //  July 4 Independence Day
    //  First monday in september - Labor Day strtotime("first Monday of September 2011")
    //  November 11 - Veterans’ Day (Observed)
    //  Fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving strtotime("fourth Thursday of November 2011");
    //  December 25 - Christmas Day        
    $bankHolidays = array(
          $year . "-01-01" // New Years
        , "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("last Monday of May " . $year) ) // Memorial Day
        , $year . "-07-04" // Independence Day (corrected)
        , "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("first Monday of September " . $year) ) // Labor Day
        , $year . "-11-11" // Veterans Day
        , "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("fourth Thursday of November " . $year) ) // Thanksgiving
        , $year . "-12-25" // XMAS

    return $bankHolidays;
James Pasta
Hari kemerdekaan adalah $ tahun .'- 07-04 '(4 Juli), bukan 4 Juni
Hari libur yang jatuh pada akhir pekan diamati pada hari sebelumnya (jika Sabtu) atau lusa (jika Minggu). Saya bisa menggunakan array Anda untuk mendapatkan hari-hari pengamatan yang sebenarnya. Terima kasih.
$startDate = new DateTime( '2013-04-01' );    //intialize start date
$endDate = new DateTime( '2013-04-30' );    //initialize end date
$holiday = array('2013-04-11','2013-04-25');  //this is assumed list of holiday
$interval = new DateInterval('P1D');    // set the interval as 1 day
$daterange = new DatePeriod($startDate, $interval ,$endDate);
foreach($daterange as $date){
if($date->format("N") <6 AND !in_array($date->format("Y-m-d"),$holiday))
$result[] = $date->format("Y-m-d");
echo "<pre>";print_r($result);
Suresh Kamrushi

Berikut adalah fungsi untuk menambahkan hari bisnis ke tanggal

 function add_business_days($startdate,$buisnessdays,$holidays,$dateformat){
  $dayx = strtotime($startdate);
  while($i < $buisnessdays){
   $day = date('N',$dayx);
   $date = date('Y-m-d',$dayx);
   if($day < 6 && !in_array($date,$holidays))$i++;
   $dayx = strtotime($date.' +1 day');
  return date($dateformat,$dayx);

 $startdate = '2012-01-08';
 echo '<p>Start date: '.date('r',strtotime( $startdate));
 echo '<p>'.add_business_days($startdate,7,$holidays,'r');

Posting lain menyebutkan getWorkingDays (dari komentar php.net dan disertakan di sini) tetapi saya pikir itu rusak jika Anda mulai pada hari Minggu dan selesai pada hari kerja.

Menggunakan yang berikut (Anda harus menyertakan fungsi getWorkingDays dari posting sebelumnya)

 $holidays = array('2012-01-10');
 $startDate = '2012-01-08';
 $endDate = '2012-01-13';
 echo getWorkingDays( $startDate,$endDate,$holidays);

Memberikan hasil sebagai 5 bukan 4

Sun, 08 Jan 2012 00:00:00 +0000 weekend
Mon, 09 Jan 2012 00:00:00 +0000
Tue, 10 Jan 2012 00:00:00 +0000 holiday
Wed, 11 Jan 2012 00:00:00 +0000
Thu, 12 Jan 2012 00:00:00 +0000
Fri, 13 Jan 2012 00:00:00 +0000 

Fungsi berikut digunakan untuk menghasilkan di atas.

     function get_working_days($startDate,$endDate,$holidays){
      $debug = true;
      $work = 0;
      $nowork = 0;
      $dayx = strtotime($startDate);
      $endx = strtotime($endDate);
       echo '<h1>get_working_days</h1>';
       echo 'startDate: '.date('r',strtotime( $startDate)).'<br>';
       echo 'endDate: '.date('r',strtotime( $endDate)).'<br>';
       echo '<p>Go to work...';
      while($dayx <= $endx){
       $day = date('N',$dayx);
       $date = date('Y-m-d',$dayx);
       if($debug)echo '<br />'.date('r',$dayx).' ';
       if($day > 5 || in_array($date,$holidays)){
      if($day > 5)echo 'weekend';
      else echo 'holiday';
       } else $work++;
       $dayx = strtotime($date.' +1 day');
      echo '<p>No work: '.$nowork.'<br>';
      echo 'Work: '.$work.'<br>';
      echo 'Work + no work: '.($nowork+$work).'<br>';
      echo 'All seconds / seconds in a day: '.floatval(strtotime($endDate)-strtotime($startDate))/floatval(24*60*60);
      return $work;

     $startDate = '2012-01-08';
     $endDate = '2012-01-13';
     echo getWorkingDays( $startDate,$endDate,$holidays);
     echo get_working_days( $startDate,$endDate,$holidays);

Bawa liburan ...


Anda dapat mencoba fungsi ini yang lebih sederhana.

function getWorkingDays($startDate, $endDate)
    $begin = strtotime($startDate);
    $end   = strtotime($endDate);
    if ($begin > $end) {

        return 0;
    } else {
        $no_days  = 0;
        while ($begin <= $end) {
            $what_day = date("N", $begin);
            if (!in_array($what_day, [6,7]) ) // 6 and 7 are weekend
            $begin += 86400; // +1 day

        return $no_days;
George John

Sebuah fungsi untuk menambah atau mengurangi hari kerja dari tanggal tertentu, ini tidak memperhitungkan hari libur.

function dateFromBusinessDays($days, $dateTime=null) {
  $dateTime = is_null($dateTime) ? time() : $dateTime;
  $_day = 0;
  $_direction = $days == 0 ? 0 : intval($days/abs($days));
  $_day_value = (60 * 60 * 24);

  while($_day !== $days) {
    $dateTime += $_direction * $_day_value;

    $_day_w = date("w", $dateTime);
    if ($_day_w > 0 && $_day_w < 6) {
      $_day += $_direction * 1; 

  return $dateTime;

gunakan seperti itu ...

echo date("m/d/Y", dateFromBusinessDays(-7));
echo date("m/d/Y", dateFromBusinessDays(3, time() + 3*60*60*24));

Versi saya berdasarkan karya @mcgrailm ... di-tweak karena laporan perlu ditinjau dalam 3 hari kerja, dan jika diserahkan pada akhir pekan, penghitungan akan dimulai pada hari Senin berikutnya:

function business_days_add($start_date, $business_days, $holidays = array()) {
    $current_date = strtotime($start_date);
    $business_days = intval($business_days); // Decrement does not work on strings
    while ($business_days > 0) {
        if (date('N', $current_date) < 6 && !in_array(date('Y-m-d', $current_date), $holidays)) {
        if ($business_days > 0) {
            $current_date = strtotime('+1 day', $current_date);
    return $current_date;

Dan mencari tahu perbedaan dua tanggal dalam hal hari kerja:

function business_days_diff($start_date, $end_date, $holidays = array()) {
    $business_days = 0;
    $current_date = strtotime($start_date);
    $end_date = strtotime($end_date);
    while ($current_date <= $end_date) {
        if (date('N', $current_date) < 6 && !in_array(date('Y-m-d', $current_date), $holidays)) {
        if ($current_date <= $end_date) {
            $current_date = strtotime('+1 day', $current_date);
    return $business_days;

Sebagai catatan, setiap orang yang menggunakan 86400, atau 24 * 60 * 60, mohon jangan ... waktu lupa Anda berubah dari waktu musim dingin / musim panas, di mana sehari tidak tepat 24 jam. Meskipun sedikit lebih lambat pada strtotime ('+ 1 day', $ timestamp), ini jauh lebih dapat diandalkan.

Craig Francis

Upaya kasar untuk mendeteksi waktu kerja - Senin hingga Jumat pukul 08.00-16.00:

if (date('N')<6 && date('G')>8 && date('G')<16) {
   // we have a working time (or check for holidays)

Di bawah ini adalah kode kerja untuk menghitung hari kerja dari tanggal tertentu.

$holiday_date_array = array("2016-01-26", "2016-03-07", "2016-03-24", "2016-03-25", "2016-04-15", "2016-08-15", "2016-09-12", "2016-10-11", "2016-10-31");
$date_required = "2016-03-01";

function increase_date($date_required, $holiday_date_array=array(), $days = 15){
        $incremented_date = '';
        for($i=1; $i <= $days; $i++){
            $date = strtotime("+$i day", strtotime($date_required));
            $day_name = date("D", $date);
            $incremented_date = date("Y-m-d", $date);
            if($day_name=='Sat'||$day_name=='Sun'|| in_array($incremented_date ,$holiday_date_array)==true){
        if($counter_1 > 0){
            return increase_date($incremented_date, $holiday_date_array, $counter_1);
            return $incremented_date;
        return 'invalid';

echo increase_date($date_required, $holiday_date_array, 15);

//output after adding 15 business working days in 2016-03-01 will be "2016-03-23"

Berikut adalah solusi lain tanpa loop untuk setiap hari.

$from = new DateTime($first_date);
$to = new DateTime($second_date);

$to->modify('+1 day');
$interval = $from->diff($to);
$days = $interval->format('%a');

$extra_days = fmod($days, 7);
$workdays = ( ( $days - $extra_days ) / 7 ) * 5;

$first_day = date('N', strtotime($first_date));
$last_day = date('N', strtotime("1 day", strtotime($second_date)));
$extra = 0;
if($first_day > $last_day) {
   if($first_day == 7) {
       $first_day = 6;

   $extra = (6 - $first_day) + ($last_day - 1);
   if($extra < 0) {
       $extra = $extra * -1;
if($last_day > $first_day) {
    $extra = $last_day - $first_day;
$days = $workdays + $extra
Tuan tanah

Untuk hari libur, buat larik hari dalam beberapa format yang dapat dihasilkan oleh tanggal (). Contoh:

// I know, these aren't holidays
$holidays = array(
    'Jan 2',
    'Feb 3',
    'Mar 5',
    'Apr 7',
    // ...

Kemudian gunakan fungsi in_array () dan date () untuk memeriksa apakah stempel waktu mewakili hari libur:

$day_of_year = date('M j', $timestamp);
$is_holiday = in_array($day_of_year, $holidays);
Jeremy Ruten

Saya memiliki kebutuhan yang sama, saya mulai dengan contoh pertama bobbin dan berakhir dengan ini

  function add_business_days($startdate,$buisnessdays,$holidays=array(),$dateformat){
    $enddate = strtotime($startdate);
    $day = date('N',$enddate);
    while($buisnessdays > 1){
        $enddate = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',$enddate).' +1 day');
        $day = date('N',$enddate);
        if($day < 6 && !in_array($enddate,$holidays))$buisnessdays--;
    return date($dateformat,$enddate);

hth seseorang

maaf tapi mcgrailm milikmu tidak cukup berfungsi .... itu tidak memperhitungkan jika hari di $ enddate jatuh pada hari libur ... itu hanya peduli tentang liburan selama penambahan kecuali aku melewatkan sesuatu
@ Richard saya pikir saya mengerti apa yang Anda katakan. Itu TIDAK memeriksa tanggal mulai untuk melihat apakah hari libur atau akhir pekan itu menghitung hari kerja SETELAH tanggal mulai. jika Anda ingin memasukkan tanggal mulai di cek, Anda dapat mengambil +1 hari
Saya pikir itu tergantung pada tata bahasa dan apa yang ingin Anda capai. Misalnya saya sedang mencoba mencari tahu kapan laporan perlu ditinjau ulang, tetapi jika disampaikan pada akhir pekan, dan perlu diselesaikan dalam 3 bisnis, maka penghitungan dimulai pada hari Senin (mengambil itu bukan hari libur) ... Saya telah memposting versi saya, yang keduanya didasarkan pada kode Anda, tetapi sedikit diubah.
Craig Francis
Sangat berguna - satu hal, saya harus mengubah !in_array($enddate,$holidays)ke !in_array(date('Y-m-d',$enddate),$holidays)jika menggunakan array liburan yang diteruskan seperti Bobbins '- $holidays=array('2013-06-16','2013-07-12','2013-08-05');Jika tidak, Anda memeriksa array penuh tanggal untuk cap waktu, yang selalu mengembalikan false.

Varian 1:

 * Does not count current day, the date returned is the last business day
 * Requires PHP 5.1 (Using ISO-8601 week)

function businessDays($timestamp = false, $bDays = 2) {
    if($timestamp === false) $timestamp = time();
    while ($bDays>0) {
        $timestamp += 86400;
        if (date('N', $timestamp)<6) $bDays--;
    return $timestamp;

Varian 2:

 * Does not count current day, the date returned is a business day 
 * following the last business day
 * Requires PHP 5.1 (Using ISO-8601 week)

function businessDays($timestamp = false, $bDays = 2) {
    if($timestamp === false) $timestamp = time();
    while ($bDays+1>0) {
        $timestamp += 86400;
        if (date('N', $timestamp)<6) $bDays--;
    return $timestamp;

Varian 3:

 * Does not count current day, the date returned is 
 * a date following the last business day (can be weekend or not. 
 * See above for alternatives)
 * Requires PHP 5.1 (Using ISO-8601 week)

function businessDays($timestamp = false, $bDays = 2) {
    if($timestamp === false) $timestamp = time();
    while ($bDays>0) {
        $timestamp += 86400;
        if (date('N', $timestamp)<6) $bDays--;
    return $timestamp += 86400;

Pertimbangan hari libur tambahan dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan variasi di atas dengan melakukan hal berikut. Catatan! pastikan semua stempel waktu adalah waktu yang sama pada hari itu (yaitu tengah malam).

Buatlah susunan tanggal hari libur (sebagai stempel waktu unix) yaitu:

$holidays = array_flip(strtotime('2011-01-01'),strtotime('2011-12-25'));

Ubah baris:

if (date('N', $timestamp)<6) $bDays--;

menjadi :

if (date('N', $timestamp)<6 && !isset($holidays[$timestamp])) $bDays--;


 * Does not count current day, the date returned is the last business day
 * Requires PHP 5.1 (Using ISO-8601 week)

function businessDays($timestamp = false, $bDays = 2) {
    if($timestamp === false) $timestamp = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',time()));
    $holidays = array_flip(strtotime('2011-01-01'),strtotime('2011-12-25'));
    while ($bDays>0) {
        $timestamp += 86400;
        if (date('N', $timestamp)<6 && !isset($holidays[$timestamp])) $bDays--;
    return $timestamp;
function AddWorkDays(){
$i = 0;
$d = 5; // Number of days to add

    while($i <= $d) {
        if(date('N', mktime(0, 0, 0, date(m), date(d)+$i, date(Y))) < 5) {
    return date(Y).','.date(m).','.(date(d)+$d);

Berikut adalah solusi rekursif. Ini dapat dengan mudah dimodifikasi untuk hanya melacak dan mengembalikan tanggal terbaru.

//  Returns a $numBusDays-sized array of all business dates, 
//  starting from and including $currentDate. 
//  Any date in $holidays will be skipped over.

function getWorkingDays($currentDate, $numBusDays, $holidays = array(), 
  $resultDates = array())
  //  exit when we have collected the required number of business days
  if ($numBusDays === 0) {
    return $resultDates;

  //  add current date to return array, if not a weekend or holiday
  $date = date("w", strtotime($currentDate));
  if ( $date != 0  &&  $date != 6  &&  !in_array($currentDate, $holidays) ) {
    $resultDates[] = $currentDate;
    $numBusDays -= 1;

  //  set up the next date to test
  $currentDate = new DateTime("$currentDate + 1 day");
  $currentDate = $currentDate->format('Y-m-d');

  return getWorkingDays($currentDate, $numBusDays, $holidays, $resultDates);

//  test
$days = getWorkingDays('2008-12-05', 4);

/** Given a number days out, what day is that when counting by 'business' days
  * get the next business day. by default it looks for next business day
  * ie calling  $date = get_next_busines_day(); on monday will return tuesday
  *             $date = get_next_busines_day(2); on monday will return wednesday
  *             $date = get_next_busines_day(2); on friday will return tuesday
  * @param $number_of_business_days (integer)       how many business days out do you want
  * @param $start_date (string)                     strtotime parseable time value
  * @param $ignore_holidays (boolean)               true/false to ignore holidays
  * @param $return_format (string)                  as specified in php.net/date
function get_next_business_day($number_of_business_days=1,$start_date='today',$ignore_holidays=false,$return_format='m/d/y') {

    // get the start date as a string to time
    $result = strtotime($start_date);

    // now keep adding to today's date until number of business days is 0 and we land on a business day
    while ($number_of_business_days > 0) {
        // add one day to the start date
        $result = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',$result) . " + 1 day");

        // this day counts if it's a weekend and not a holiday, or if we choose to ignore holidays
        if (is_weekday(date('Y-m-d',$result)) && (!(is_holiday(date('Y-m-d',$result))) || $ignore_holidays) ) 


    // when my $number of business days is exausted I have my final date


    function is_weekend($date) {
    // return if this is a weekend date or not.
    return (date('N', strtotime($date)) >= 6);

function is_weekday($date) {
    // return if this is a weekend date or not.
    return (date('N', strtotime($date)) < 6);

function is_holiday($date) {
    // return if this is a holiday or not.

    // what are my holidays for this year
    $holidays = array("New Year's Day 2011" => "12/31/10",
                        "Good Friday" => "04/06/12",
                        "Memorial Day" => "05/28/12",
                        "Independence Day" => "07/04/12",
                        "Floating Holiday" => "12/31/12",
                        "Labor Day" => "09/03/12",
                        "Thanksgiving Day" => "11/22/12",
                        "Day After Thanksgiving Day" => "11/23/12",
                        "Christmas Eve" => "12/24/12",
                        "Christmas Day" => "12/25/12",
                        "New Year's Day 2012" => "01/02/12",
                        "New Year's Day 2013" => "01/01/13"

    return(in_array(date('m/d/y', strtotime($date)),$holidays));

print get_next_business_day(1) . "\n";
// $today is the UNIX timestamp for today's date
$today = time();
echo "<strong>Today is (ORDER DATE): " . '<font color="red">' . date('l, F j, Y', $today) . "</font></strong><br/><br/>";

//The numerical representation for day of week (Ex. 01 for Monday .... 07 for Sunday
$today_numerical = date("N",$today);

//leadtime_days holds the numeric value for the number of business days 
$leadtime_days = $_POST["leadtime"];

//leadtime is the adjusted date for shipdate
$shipdate = time();

while ($leadtime_days > 0) 
 if ($today_numerical != 5 && $today_numerical != 6)
  $shipdate = $shipdate + (60*60*24);
  $today_numerical = date("N",$shipdate);
  $leadtime_days --;
  $shipdate = $shipdate + (60*60*24);
  $today_numerical = date("N",$shipdate);

echo '<strong>Estimated Ship date: ' . '<font color="green">' . date('l, F j, Y', $shipdate) . "</font></strong>";

menghitung hari kerja antara dua tanggal termasuk hari libur dan minggu kerja khusus

Jawabannya tidak sepele - jadi saran saya adalah menggunakan kelas di mana Anda dapat mengkonfigurasi lebih dari sekedar mengandalkan fungsi sederhana (atau dengan asumsi lokal dan budaya tetap). Untuk mendapatkan tanggal setelah sejumlah hari kerja, Anda akan:

  1. perlu menentukan hari kerja apa Anda akan bekerja (default ke MON-FRI) - kelas memungkinkan Anda untuk mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan setiap hari kerja secara individual.
  2. perlu diketahui bahwa Anda perlu mempertimbangkan hari libur (negara dan negara bagian) agar akurat

Pendekatan Fungsional

 * @param days, int
 * @param $format, string: dateformat (if format defined OTHERWISE int: timestamp) 
 * @param start, int: timestamp (mktime) default: time() //now
 * @param $wk, bit[]: flags for each workday (0=SUN, 6=SAT) 1=workday, 0=day off
 * @param $holiday, string[]: list of dates, YYYY-MM-DD, MM-DD 
function working_days($days, $format='', $start=null, $week=[0,1,1,1,1,1,0], $holiday=[])
    if(is_null($start)) $start = time();
    if($days <= 0) return $start;
    if(count($week) != 7) trigger_error('workweek must contain bit-flags for 7 days');
    if(array_sum($week) == 0) trigger_error('workweek must contain at least one workday');
    $wd = date('w', $start);//0=sun, 6=sat
    $time = $start;
        && !in_array(date('Y-m-d', $time), $holiday)
        && !in_array(date('m-d', $time), $holiday)
        ) --$days; //decrement on workdays
        $wd = date('w', $time += 86400); //add one day in seconds
    $time -= 86400;//include today
    return $format ? date($format, $time): $time;

//simple usage
$ten_days = working_days(10, 'D F d Y');
echo '<br>ten workingdays (MON-FRI) disregarding holidays: ',$ten_days;

//work on saturdays and add new years day as holiday
$ten_days = working_days(10, 'D F d Y', null, [0,1,1,1,1,1,1], ['01-01']);
echo '<br>ten workingdays (MON-SAT) disregarding holidays: ',$ten_days;
Ian Carter

Ini adalah solusi lain, ini hampir 25% lebih cepat daripada memeriksa hari libur dengan in_array:

 * Function to calculate the working days between two days, considering holidays.
 * @param string $startDate -- Start date of the range (included), formatted as Y-m-d.
 * @param string $endDate -- End date of the range (included), formatted as Y-m-d.
 * @param array(string) $holidayDates -- OPTIONAL. Array of holidays dates, formatted as Y-m-d. (e.g. array("2016-08-15", "2016-12-25"))
 * @return int -- Number of working days.
function getWorkingDays($startDate, $endDate, $holidayDates=array()){
    $dateRange = new DatePeriod(new DateTime($startDate), new DateInterval('P1D'), (new DateTime($endDate))->modify("+1day"));
    foreach ($dateRange as $dr) { if($dr->format("N")<6){$workingDays[]=$dr->format("Y-m-d");} }
    return count(array_diff($workingDays, $holidayDates));

Cuplikan kode ini sangat mudah untuk menghitung hari kerja tanpa akhir pekan dan hari libur:

function getWorkingDays($startDate,$endDate,$offdays,$holidays){
$endDate = strtotime($endDate);
$startDate = strtotime($startDate);
$days = ($endDate - $startDate) / 86400 + 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $days; $i++) {
    $the_first_day_of_week = date("N", $startDate);
if (!in_array($the_first_day_of_week, $offdays) && !in_array(date("Y-m-
d",$startDate), $holidays)) {

return $counter;
//example to use
$offdays=array(5,6);//weekend days Monday=1 .... Sunday=7
echo getWorkingDays("2017-01-01","2017-12-31",$offdays,$holidays)
Mahmoud Obaid

Saya tahu saya terlambat ke pesta, tetapi saya menggunakan rangkaian acara lama oleh Marcos J. Montes ini untuk mencari tahu hari libur dan hari kerja. Dia meluangkan waktu untuk menambahkan algoritme dari tahun 1876 untuk Paskah dan dia menambahkan semua hari libur utama AS. Ini dapat dengan mudah diperbarui untuk negara lain.

$days = 30;
$next_working_date = nextWorkingDay($days, $somedate);

//add date function
function DateAdd($interval, $number, $date) {

    $date_time_array = getdate($date);

    $hours = $date_time_array["hours"];
    $minutes = $date_time_array["minutes"];
    $seconds = $date_time_array["seconds"];
    $month = $date_time_array["mon"];
    $day = $date_time_array["mday"];
    $year = $date_time_array["year"];

    switch ($interval) {

        case "yyyy":
        case "q":
        case "m":
        case "y":
        case "d":
        case "w":
        case "ww":
        case "h":
        case "n":
        case "s":
    //      echo "day:" . $day;
    $timestamp= mktime($hours,$minutes,$seconds,$month,$day,$year);
    return $timestamp;

// the following function get_holiday() is based on the work done by
// Marcos J. Montes
function get_holiday($year, $month, $day_of_week, $week="") {
    if ( (($week != "") && (($week > 5) || ($week < 1))) || ($day_of_week > 6) || ($day_of_week < 0) ) {
        // $day_of_week must be between 0 and 6 (Sun=0, ... Sat=6); $week must be between 1 and 5
        return FALSE;
    } else {
        if (!$week || ($week == "")) {
            $lastday = date("t", mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year));
            $temp = (date("w",mktime(0,0,0,$month,$lastday,$year)) - $day_of_week) % 7;
        } else {
            $temp = ($day_of_week - date("w",mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year))) % 7;

        if ($temp < 0) {
            $temp += 7;

        if (!$week || ($week == "")) {
            $day = $lastday - $temp;
        } else {
            $day = (7 * $week) - 6 + $temp;
        //echo $year.", ".$month.", ".$day . "<br><br>";
        return format_date($year, $month, $day);

function observed_day($year, $month, $day) {
    // sat -> fri & sun -> mon, any exceptions?
    // should check $lastday for bumping forward and $firstday for bumping back,
    // although New Year's & Easter look to be the only holidays that potentially
    // move to a different month, and both are accounted for.

    $dow = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year));

    if ($dow == 0) {
        $dow = $day + 1;
    } elseif ($dow == 6) {
        if (($month == 1) && ($day == 1)) {    // New Year's on a Saturday
            $month = 12;
            $dow = 31;
        } else {
            $dow = $day - 1;
    } else {
        $dow = $day;

    return format_date($year, $month, $dow);

function calculate_easter($y) {
    // In the text below, 'intval($var1/$var2)' represents an integer division neglecting
    // the remainder, while % is division keeping only the remainder. So 30/7=4, and 30%7=2
    // This algorithm is from Practical Astronomy With Your Calculator, 2nd Edition by Peter
    // Duffett-Smith. It was originally from Butcher's Ecclesiastical Calendar, published in
    // 1876. This algorithm has also been published in the 1922 book General Astronomy by
    // Spencer Jones; in The Journal of the British Astronomical Association (Vol.88, page
    // 91, December 1977); and in Astronomical Algorithms (1991) by Jean Meeus. 

    $a = $y%19;
    $b = intval($y/100);
    $c = $y%100;
    $d = intval($b/4);
    $e = $b%4;
    $f = intval(($b+8)/25);
    $g = intval(($b-$f+1)/3);
    $h = (19*$a+$b-$d-$g+15)%30;
    $i = intval($c/4);
    $k = $c%4;
    $l = (32+2*$e+2*$i-$h-$k)%7;
    $m = intval(($a+11*$h+22*$l)/451);
    $p = ($h+$l-7*$m+114)%31;
    $EasterMonth = intval(($h+$l-7*$m+114)/31);    // [3 = March, 4 = April]
    $EasterDay = $p+1;    // (day in Easter Month)

    return format_date($y, $EasterMonth, $EasterDay);

function nextWorkingDay($number_days, $start_date = "") {
    $day_counter = 0;
    $intCounter = 0;    

    if ($start_date=="") {
        $today  = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")  , date("d"), date("Y"));
    } else {
        $start_time = strtotime($start_date);
        $today  = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $start_time)  , date("d", $start_time), date("Y", $start_time));

    while($day_counter < $number_days) {
        $working_time = DateAdd("d", 1, $today);
        $working_date = date("Y-m-d", $working_date);
        if (!isWeekend($working_date) && !confirm_holiday(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($working_date))) ) {
        $today  = $working_time;
        if ($intCounter > 1000) {
            //just in case out of control?

    return $working_date;
function isWeekend($check_date) {
    return (date("N",  strtotime($check_date)) > 5);
function confirm_holiday($somedate="") {
    if ($somedate=="") {
        $somedate = date("Y-m-d");
    $year = date("Y", strtotime($somedate));
    $blnHoliday = false;
    if ($somedate == observed_day($year, 1, 1)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    if ($somedate == format_date($year, 1, 1)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    if ($somedate == format_date($year, 12, 31)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    //Martin Luther King
    if ($somedate == get_holiday($year, 1, 1, 3)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    if ($somedate == get_holiday($year, 2, 1, 3)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    if ($somedate == calculate_easter($year)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    if ($somedate == get_holiday($year, 5, 1)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    if ($somedate == observed_day($year, 7, 4)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    if ($somedate == get_holiday($year, 9, 1, 1)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    if ($somedate == get_holiday($year, 10, 1, 2)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    if ($somedate == get_holiday($year, 11, 4, 4)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    if ($somedate == format_date($year, 12, 24)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    if ($somedate == format_date($year, 12, 25)) {
        $blnHoliday = true;
    return $blnHoliday;
Nicolas Giszpenc

function get_business_days_forward_from_date ($ num_days, $ start_date = '', $ rtn_fmt = 'Ym-d') {

// $start_date will default to today    

if ($start_date=='') { $start_date = date("Y-m-d"); }

$business_day_ct = 0;

$max_days = 10000 + $num_days;  // to avoid any possibility of an infinite loop

// define holidays, this currently only goes to 2012 because, well, you know... ;-)
// if the world is still here after that, you can find more at
// http://www.opm.gov/Operating_Status_Schedules/fedhol/2013.asp
// always add holidays in order, because the iteration will stop when the holiday is > date being tested




$curr_date_ymd = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start_date));    

for ($x=1;$x<$max_days;$x++)
    if (intval($num_days)==intval($business_day_ct)) { return(date($rtn_fmt, strtotime($curr_date_ymd))); }  // date found - return

    // get next day to check

    $curr_date_ymd = date('Y-m-d', (strtotime($start_date)+($x * 86400)));   // add 1 day to the current date

    $is_business_day = 1;

    // check if this is a weekend   1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)

    if ( intval(date("N",strtotime($curr_date_ymd))) > 5) { $is_business_day = 0; }

    //check for holiday
    foreach($fed_holidays as $holiday)
        if (strtotime($holiday)==strtotime($curr_date_ymd))  // holiday found
            $is_business_day = 0;
            break 1;

        if (strtotime($holiday)>strtotime($curr_date_ymd)) { break 1; }  // past date, stop searching (always add holidays in order)


    $business_day_ct = $business_day_ct + $is_business_day;  // increment if this is a business day


// if we get here, you are hosed
return ("ERROR");


Richard Varno

Add_business_days memiliki bug kecil. Coba yang berikut ini dengan fungsi yang ada dan hasilnya adalah hari Sabtu.

Tanggal mulai = Jumat Hari kerja untuk ditambahkan = 1 Hari libur array = Tambahkan tanggal untuk hari Senin berikutnya.

Saya telah memperbaikinya di fungsi saya di bawah ini.

function add_business_days($startdate, $buisnessdays, $holidays = array(), $dateformat = 'Y-m-d'){
$i= 1;
$dayx= strtotime($startdate);
$buisnessdays= ceil($buisnessdays);

while($i < $buisnessdays)
    $day= date('N',$dayx);

    $date= date('Y-m-d',$dayx);
    if($day < 6 && !in_array($date,$holidays))

    $dayx= strtotime($date.' +1 day');

## If the calculated day falls on a weekend or is a holiday, then add days to the next business day
$day= date('N',$dayx);
$date= date('Y-m-d',$dayx);

while($day >= 6 || in_array($date,$holidays))
    $dayx= strtotime($date.' +1 day');
    $day= date('N',$dayx);
    $date= date('Y-m-d',$dayx);

return date($dateformat, $dayx);}
Pratik Thakkar
Saya berasumsi ini didasarkan pada kode Bobbin. Saya yakin saya telah mengatasi masalah ini juga

Saya baru saja menjalankan fungsi saya berdasarkan kode Bobbin dan mcgrailm, menambahkan beberapa hal yang berfungsi sempurna untuk saya.

function add_business_days($startdate,$buisnessdays,$holidays,$dateformat){
    $enddate = strtotime($startdate);
    $day = date('N',$enddate);
    while($buisnessdays > 0){ // compatible with 1 businessday if I'll need it
        $enddate = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',$enddate).' +1 day');
        $day = date('N',$enddate);
        if($day < 6 && !in_array(date('Y-m-d',$enddate),$holidays))$buisnessdays--;
    return date($dateformat,$enddate);

// as a parameter in in_array function we should use endate formated to 
// compare correctly with the holidays array.
satu-satunya perbedaan antara milikku dan milikmu adalah bahwa milikku satu berdasarkan milikmu berbasis nol. Anda benar-benar belum melakukan apa pun di sini. Saya senang kode ini membantu Anda. Namun, saya tidak menganggap ini sebagai kode "berdasarkan", ini lebih seperti Anda mencoba mengklaim kode saya sebagai milik Anda

Peningkatan fungsi yang ditawarkan oleh James Pasta di atas, untuk menyertakan semua Hari Libur Federal, dan untuk mengoreksi tanggal 4 Juli (dihitung sebagai 4 Juni di atas!), Dan untuk juga menyertakan nama hari libur sebagai kunci larik ...

/ **
* Hari Libur Nasional Amerika
* @param string $ year
* @return array
* /
public static function getNationalAmericanHolidays ($ year) {

//  January 1 - New Year's Day (Observed)
//  Third Monday in January - Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
//  Third Monday in February - Washington’s Birthday / President's Day
//  Last Monday in May - Memorial Day
//  July 4 - Independence Day
//  First Monday in September - Labor Day
//  Second Monday in October - Columbus Day
//  November 11 - Veterans’ Day (Observed)
//  Fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving Day
//  December 25 - Christmas Day
$bankHolidays = array(
    ['New Years Day'] => $year . "-01-01",
    ['Martin Luther King Jr Birthday'] => "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("third Monday of January " . $year) ),
    ['Washingtons Birthday'] => "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("third Monday of February " . $year) ),
    ['Memorial Day'] => "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("last Monday of May " . $year) ),
    ['Independance Day'] => $year . "-07-04",
    ['Labor Day'] => "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("first Monday of September " . $year) ),
    ['Columbus Day'] => "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("second Monday of October " . $year) ),
    ['Veterans Day'] => $year . "-11-11",
    ['Thanksgiving Day'] => "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("fourth Thursday of November " . $year) ),
    ['Christmas Day'] => $year . "-12-25"

return $bankHolidays;



Baru saja selesai menulis API yang dapat digunakan untuk memanipulasi hari kerja (tidak ada solusi yang cukup berhasil untuk situasi saya :-); menautkannya di sini jika ada orang lain yang menganggapnya berguna.

~ Nate

Kelas PHP untuk Menghitung Hari Kerja


Terima kasih kepada Bobbin, mcgrailm, Tony, James Pasta, dan beberapa orang lainnya yang memposting di sini. Saya telah menulis fungsi saya sendiri untuk menambahkan hari kerja ke suatu tanggal, tetapi memodifikasinya dengan beberapa kode yang saya temukan di sini. Ini akan menangani tanggal mulai pada akhir pekan / hari libur. Ini juga akan menangani jam kerja. Saya menambahkan beberapa komentar dan memecah kode agar lebih mudah dibaca.

function count_business_days($date, $days, $holidays) {
    $date = strtotime($date);

    for ($i = 1; $i <= intval($days); $i++) { //Loops each day count

        //First, find the next available weekday because this might be a weekend/holiday
        while (date('N', $date) >= 6 || in_array(date('Y-m-d', $date), $holidays)){
            $date = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',$date).' +1 day');

        //Now that we know we have a business day, add 1 day to it
        $date = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',$date).' +1 day');

        //If this day that was previously added falls on a weekend/holiday, then find the next business day
        while (date('N', $date) >= 6 || in_array(date('Y-m-d', $date), $holidays)){
            $date = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',$date).' +1 day');
    return date('Y-m-d', $date);

//Also add in the code from Tony and James Pasta to handle holidays...

function getNationalAmericanHolidays($year) {
$bankHolidays = array(
    'New Years Day' => $year . "-01-01",
    'Martin Luther King Jr Birthday' => "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("third Monday of January " . $year) ),
    'Washingtons Birthday' => "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("third Monday of February " . $year) ),
    'Memorial Day' => "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("last Monday of May " . $year) ),
    'Independance Day' => $year . "-07-04",
    'Labor Day' => "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("first Monday of September " . $year) ),
    'Columbus Day' => "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("second Monday of October " . $year) ),
    'Veterans Day' => $year . "-11-11",
    'Thanksgiving Day' => "". date("Y-m-d",strtotime("fourth Thursday of November " . $year) ),
    'Christmas Day' => $year . "-12-25"
return $bankHolidays;


//Now to call it... since we're working with business days, we should
//also be working with business hours so check if it's after 5 PM
//and go to the next day if necessary.

//Go to next day if after 5 pm (5 pm = 17)
if (date(G) >= 17) {
    $start_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+ 1 day")); //Tomorrow
} else {
    $start_date = date("Y-m-d"); //Today

//Get the holidays for the current year and also for the next year
$this_year = getNationalAmericanHolidays(date('Y'));
$next_year = getNationalAmericanHolidays(date('Y', strtotime("+12 months")));
$holidays = array_merge($this_year, $next_year);

//The number of days to count
$days_count = 10;

echo count_business_days($start_date, $days_count, $holidays);

Dustin W

Secara pribadi, menurut saya ini adalah solusi yang lebih bersih dan lebih ringkas:

function onlyWorkDays( $d ) {
    $holidays = array('2013-12-25','2013-12-31','2014-01-01','2014-01-20','2014-02-17','2014-05-26','2014-07-04','2014-09-01','2014-10-13','2014-11-11','2014-11-27','2014-12-25','2014-12-31');
    while (in_array($d->format("Y-m-d"), $holidays)) { // HOLIDAYS
        $d->sub(new DateInterval("P1D"));
    if ($d->format("w") == 6) { // SATURDAY
        $d->sub(new DateInterval("P1D"));
    if ($d->format("w") == 0) { // SUNDAY
        $d->sub(new DateInterval("P2D"));
    return $d;

Kirimkan saja newtanggal yang diusulkan ke fungsi ini.
