Apa yang menyebabkan "Ketidakcocokan entitas dalam dokumen" saat menjalankan migrasi: delta


Saya telah berhasil memutakhirkan database magento 1.4.1 ke 1.4.2 dan kemudian ke 1.6.0. Saya juga berhasil melakukan migrasi: pengaturan dan migrasi: data dari database 1.6.0 ke database Magento 2.1.2 saya. (Semuanya tampak hebat! ...)

Sejak itu saya bekerja di situs 2.1.2; menambahkan tema baru, mengubah beberapa pengaturan, dan mengedit blok cms. Saya melakukan semua ini dengan asumsi bahwa saya dapat menjalankan migrasi: delta dan membawa pelanggan baru dan memesan data, karena hanya itu yang saya perlukan untuk meluncurkan situs baru. (Saya belum membuat pesanan atau pelanggan baru dalam database 2.1.2)

Dalam upaya saya untuk bermigrasi: delta (setelah saya menjalankan proses upgrade 1.4.1 -> 1.6.0 lagi untuk mendapatkan data langsung saat ini) saya mengalami kesalahan ketika kehilangan tabel deltalog (dengan awalan m2cl *). Saya menarik tabel-tabel itu, yang semuanya kosong , dari database pertama tempat saya bermigrasi. Ini memungkinkan saya menjalankan migrasi: delta dengan peringatan berikut:

2017-01-25 23:32:29][INFO][mode: delta][stage: delta delivering][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2017-01-25 23:32:30][INFO][mode: delta][stage: volume check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2017-01-25 23:32:30][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: customer_entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:30][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: customer_address_entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:30][WARNING]: Volume Check failed
[2017-01-25 23:32:30][INFO][mode: delta][stage: delta delivering][step: Map Step]: started
[2017-01-25 23:32:30][INFO][mode: delta][stage: volume check][step: Map Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_category_entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_category_entity_int
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_category_entity_text
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_category_entity_varchar
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_category_product
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_compare_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_datetime
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_decimal
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_int
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_media_gallery
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_text
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_varchar
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_option
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_option_price
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_option_title
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_option_type_price
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_option_type_title
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_option_type_value
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_website
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: cataloginventory_stock_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalogrule
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: search_query
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: cms_block
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: cms_block_store
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: salesrule_coupon_aggregated
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: customer_eav_attribute_website
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: newsletter_subscriber
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: report_compared_product_index
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: report_event
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: report_viewed_product_index
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_daily
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_monthly
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_yearly
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_invoice
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_invoice_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_address
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_payment
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_status_history
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_address
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_address_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_item_option
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_payment
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_shipping_rate
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipment
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipment_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipment_track
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_invoiced_aggregated
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_invoiced_aggregated_order
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_aggregated_created
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_tax
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_payment_transaction
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipping_aggregated
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipping_aggregated_order
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: salesrule
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: salesrule_coupon
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: salesrule_coupon_usage
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: salesrule_customer
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: tax_calculation
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: tax_calculation_rate
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: tax_order_aggregated_created
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: wishlist
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: wishlist_item
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Volume Check failed
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: delta delivering][step: Log Step]: started
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: volume check][step: Log Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: customer_visitor
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Volume Check failed
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: delta delivering][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: volume check][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_grid
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_invoice_grid
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipment_grid
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Volume Check failed
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: delta delivering][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: volume check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch in last increment id of order entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch in last increment id of invoice entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Mismatch in last increment id of shipment entity
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][WARNING]: Volume Check failed
[2017-01-25 23:32:35][INFO][mode: delta][stage: volume check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: Migration completed successfully

Saya kira pertanyaan saya adalah beberapa pertanyaan:

  • Apakah pendekatan saya mengambil cara yang benar untuk mendapatkan data dari 1.4.1 ke 2.1.2
  • Apakah ada referensi yang hilang yang dicari oleh migrasi: delta
    karena database yang diperbarui ini bukan yang asli dari tempat saya bermigrasi?
  • dan pertanyaan judul.



Dalam pendekatan Anda setelah pemasangan magento 2 situs web yang berhasil, maksud saya migrasi data tentang pengembangan dan pengaturan tema lengkap dan situs web dilakukan. Anda perlu memigrasikan data baru dari Magento 1 lagi dan Anda dapat menggunakan basis kode yang sama dan toko Magento 2 Anda dengan data baru akan naik. Silakan coba ikuti pendekatan ini.

@LRV, boleh saya tahu bagaimana Anda mengatasi masalah ini?