Saya berusaha memahami mengapa estimasi baris sangat keliru, inilah kasus saya:
Bergabung sederhana - menggunakan SQL Server 2016 sp2 (masalah yang sama pada sp1), dbcompatiblity = 130.
select Amount_TransactionCurrency_id,
from CurrencyShareds
INNER JOIN annexes ON Amount_TransactionCurrency_id = CurrencyShareds.Id
SQL memperkirakan 1 baris, sedangkan 107131 dan memilih untuk melakukan loop bersarang ( tautan ke rencana ). Setelah statistik diperbarui pada CurrencyShareds maka estimasi baik-baik saja dan gabungan gabung dipilih ( tautan ke paket baru ). Segera setelah satu catatan ditambahkan ke CurrencyShareds, maka statistik menjadi "basi" dan sql kembali ke estimasi yang salah.
Saya tidak akan terlalu khawatir tentang permintaan sederhana ini, tetapi ini hanya bagian dari yang lebih besar, dan ini adalah awal dari domino ...
Mengapa menambahkan satu baris ke 100 tabel catatan menyebabkan kerusakan seperti itu? Ketika melihat ke dalam output dari jejak estimasi kardinalitas, saya melihat peringatan ini ***WARNING: badly-formed histogram ***
tetapi saya tidak dapat menemukan lebih banyak tentang topik ini.
Ini adalah output hasil lengkap dari estimasi kardinalitas:
Begin selectivity computation
Input tree:
CStCollBaseTable(ID=1, CARD=107131 TBL: annexes)
CStCollBaseTable(ID=2, CARD=100 TBL: CurrencyShareds)
ScaOp_Comp x_cmpEq
ScaOp_Identifier QCOL: [test.MasterData].[dbo].[CurrencyShareds].Id
ScaOp_Identifier QCOL: [test.MasterData].[dbo].[Annexes].Amount_TransactionCurrency_id
Plan for computation:
CSelCalcExpressionComparedToExpression( QCOL: [test.MasterData].[dbo].[Annexes].Amount_TransactionCurrency_id x_cmpEq QCOL: [test.MasterData].[dbo].[CurrencyShareds].Id )
Loaded histogram for column QCOL: [test.MasterData].[dbo].[Annexes].Amount_TransactionCurrency_id from stats with id 7
Loaded histogram for column QCOL: [test.MasterData].[dbo].[CurrencyShareds].Id from stats with id 1 *** WARNING: badly-formed histogram ***
Selectivity: 4.59503e-018
Stats collection generated:
CStCollJoin(ID=3, CARD=1 x_jtInner)
CStCollBaseTable(ID=1, CARD=107131 TBL: annexes)
CStCollBaseTable(ID=2, CARD=100 TBL: CurrencyShareds)
End selectivity computation
Estimating distinct count in utility function
Input stats collection:
CStCollBaseTable(ID=1, CARD=107131 TBL: annexes)
Columns to distinct on:QCOL: [test.MasterData].[dbo].[Annexes].Amount_TransactionCurrency_id
Plan for computation:
0 Multi-Column Stats, 1 Single-Column Stats, 0 Guesses
Covering multi-col stats id: 7
Using ambient cardinality 107131 to combine distinct counts:
Combined distinct count: 5
Result of computation: 5
Estimating distinct count in utility function
Input stats collection:
CStCollBaseTable(ID=2, CARD=100 TBL: CurrencyShareds)
Columns to distinct on:QCOL: [test.MasterData].[dbo].[CurrencyShareds].Id
Plan for computation:
Result of computation: 100
Dan ketika saya memperbarui statistik pada CurrencyShareds bagian dengan perubahan "histogram buruk" dan kardinalitas dihitung dengan benar
Plan for computation:
CSelCalcExpressionComparedToExpression( QCOL: [test.MasterData].[dbo].[Annexes].Amount_TransactionCurrency_id x_cmpEq QCOL: [test.MasterData].[dbo].[CurrencyShareds].Id )
Loaded histogram for column QCOL: [test.MasterData].[dbo].[Annexes].Amount_TransactionCurrency_id from stats with id 7
Loaded histogram for column QCOL: [test.MasterData].[dbo].[CurrencyShareds].Id from stats with id 1
Selectivity: 0.01
Stats collection generated:
CStCollJoin(ID=3, CARD=107131 x_jtInner)
CStCollBaseTable(ID=1, CARD=107131 TBL: annexes)
CStCollBaseTable(ID=2, CARD=100 TBL: CurrencyShareds)
End selectivity computation
Dan info statistik untuk "[CurrencyShareds] ini. Dari statistik dengan id 1" dengan peringatan tentang histogram, yang terlihat bagus untuk saya ...
Name Updated Rows Rows Sampled Steps Density Average key length String Index Filter Expression Unfiltered Rows Persisted Sample Percent
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------ ------------- ------------------ ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
PK_CurrencyShareds_Id May 23 2018 10:43PM 98 98 75 1 8 NO NULL 98 0
(1 row affected)
All density Average Length Columns
------------- -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0,01020408 8 Id
(1 row affected)
-------------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- --------------
119762190797406464 0 1 0 1
119762190797406466 1 1 1 1
119762190797406468 1 1 1 1
119762190797406470 1 1 1 1
119762190797406472 1 1 1 1
119762190797406474 1 1 1 1
119762190797406476 1 1 1 1
119762190797406478 1 1 1 1
119762190797406480 1 1 1 1
119762190797406482 1 1 1 1
119762190797406484 1 1 1 1
119762190797406486 1 1 1 1
119762190797406488 1 1 1 1
119762190797406490 1 1 1 1
119762190797406492 1 1 1 1
119762190797406494 1 1 1 1
119762190797406496 1 1 1 1
119762190797406498 1 1 1 1
119762190797406500 1 1 1 1
119762190797406502 1 1 1 1
119762190797406504 1 1 1 1
119762190797406506 1 1 1 1
119762190797406507 0 1 0 1
478531702587687680 0 1 0 1
478531702591881728 0 1 0 1
478531702591881729 0 1 0 1
478531702591881984 0 1 0 1
478531702591881985 0 1 0 1
478531702596076032 0 1 0 1
478531702596076033 0 1 0 1
478531702596076288 0 1 0 1
478531702600270336 0 1 0 1
478531702600270592 0 1 0 1
478532235583062528 0 1 0 1
478532235583062784 0 1 0 1
478532235587256832 0 1 0 1
530792464911467264 0 1 0 1
530792464924049920 0 1 0 1
530792464924050176 0 1 0 1
530792464928244224 0 1 0 1
530792464928244480 0 1 0 1
530792464932438528 0 1 0 1
530792464932438784 0 1 0 1
530792464936632832 0 1 0 1
530792464936632833 0 1 0 1
530792464936633088 0 1 0 1
530792464940827136 0 1 0 1
530792464940827392 0 1 0 1
530792464949216000 2 1 2 1
530792464953410048 0 1 0 1
530792464953410304 0 1 0 1
530792464957604352 0 1 0 1
530792464957604353 0 1 0 1
530792464957604608 0 1 0 1
530792464961798656 0 1 0 1
530792464961798912 0 1 0 1
530792464965992960 0 1 0 1
530792464965993216 0 1 0 1
530792464965993217 0 1 0 1
530792464970187264 0 1 0 1
530792464970187265 0 1 0 1
530792464970187520 0 1 0 1
530792464974381568 0 1 0 1
530792464974381824 0 1 0 1
530792464974381825 0 1 0 1
530792464978575872 0 1 0 1
530792464978575873 0 1 0 1
530792464978576128 0 1 0 1
867420708903354880 0 1 0 1
867420708903355136 0 1 0 1
867420708903355137 0 1 0 1
960876568220042240 0 1 0 1
976385263448130048 0 1 0 1
977302121709864192 0 1 0 1
977955748426318592 0 1 0 1
dan info untuk indeks kedua:
Name Updated Rows Rows Sampled Steps Density Average key length String Index Filter Expression Unfiltered Rows Persisted Sample Percent
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------ ------------- ------------------ ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
IX_FK_Amount_TransactionCurrency May 21 2018 3:29PM 107204 107204 5 0 16 NO NULL 107204 0
(1 row affected)
All density Average Length Columns
------------- -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0,2 8 Amount_TransactionCurrency_id
9,32801E-06 16 Amount_TransactionCurrency_id, Id
(2 rows affected)
-------------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- --------------
119762190797406475 0 160 0 1
119762190797406478 0 867 0 1
119762190797406481 0 106 0 1
119762190797406494 0 105742 0 1
119762190797406496 0 329 0 1