Panggung Kudeta untuk menjadi raja bukit!


Papan peringkat

  154 Calculator
  144 Taxman
  138 Statistician
  137 Solver
  137 RandoAggroLawyer
  136 Gambler
  134 Turncoat
  119 Lawyer
  119 BloodyMurder
  113 Bandit
   79 Challenger
   74 Mask
   64 Random

Arsip pertandingan terbaru, termasuk log dan semua file output, tersedia.

Kalkulator, oleh Brilliand, adalah pemenangnya! Jawabannya diterima, tetapi itu tidak berarti tantangannya sudah berakhir. Jangan ragu untuk mengirim entri baru atau mengedit entri Anda saat ini dan mencoba menjatuhkannya dari singgasananya. Saya akan memberikan hadiah kepada pemimpin di akhir bulan.

Aturan main

Kudeta adalah permainan kartu yang dirancang untuk 2-6 pemain, yang akan kami mainkan dengan dua. Ini terdiri dari perbendaharaan koin (tak terbatas untuk tujuan kita) dan setumpuk 15 kartu, berisi 3 masing-masing jenis berikut: Duta Besar, Pembunuh, Kapten, Contessa, Duke. Di awal permainan, setiap pemain diberikan satu koin dan dibagikan dua kartu secara acak, yang mereka rahasiakan sampai diperlukan. Tujuannya adalah menjadi pemain terakhir dengan kartu di tangan Anda.

Pada gilirannya, seorang pemain dapat mengambil salah satu tindakan berikut terlepas dari kartu mereka:

  • Penghasilan: ambil 1 koin dari kas. Tidak terblokir dan tidak tertandingi.
  • Bantuan Asing: ambil 2 koin dari kas. Dapat diblokir oleh pemain dengan Duke. Tidak dapat ditentang.
  • Kudeta: Keluarkan kartu dari satu lawan pilihan Anda dari permainan. Biaya 7 koin. Korban dapat memilih kartu yang akan dibuang. Jika seorang pemain memiliki 10 koin atau lebih pada awal giliran mereka, mereka harus Kudeta. Tidak terblokir dan tidak tertandingi.

Tergantung pada kartu mereka, pemain juga dapat mengambil salah satu tindakan berikut sebagai giliran mereka:

  • Pertukaran: pemain dengan Duta Besar dapat mengambil dua kartu dari dek. Kemudian mereka dapat memilih dari tangan mereka dan kartu yang diambil sebanyak kartu yang semula mereka miliki. (Yaitu, jika mereka hanya memiliki satu kartu, mereka dapat menukarnya dengan salah satu kartu yang diambil atau menyimpannya, dan jika mereka memiliki dua kartu, mereka dapat memilih dua dari empat kartu.) Kedua kartu yang tidak diinginkan dikembalikan ke geladak. . Tidak terblokir, tetapi menantang.
  • Membunuh: pemain dengan Assassin dapat menghabiskan 3 koin untuk mengeluarkan kartu lawan dari permainan. Korban dapat memilih kartu yang akan dibuang. Dapat diblokir oleh pemain dengan Contessa, dalam hal ini koin tidak dikembalikan. Challengeable, dalam hal ini koin yang dikembalikan.
  • Mencuri: Seorang pemain dengan Kapten dapat mengambil dua koin dari lawan mereka. Jika lawan memiliki satu koin, mereka akan mengambil satu koin itu. Jika lawan memiliki koin nol, mereka mungkin tidak Mencuri. Dapat diblokir oleh pemain dengan Duta Besar atau Kapten. Dapat ditantang.
  • Pajak: Seorang pemain dengan Duke dapat mengambil 3 koin dari perbendaharaan. Tidak terblokir, tetapi menantang.

Bagian rumit dari Coup adalah bahwa pemain diperbolehkan berbohong tentang kartu apa yang mereka miliki! Seseorang tidak perlu memiliki kartu untuk mencoba melakukan tindakan atau blok yang terkait dengannya.

Ketika seorang pemain melakukan tindakan kartu, lawan mana pun (bahkan orang yang tidak dirugikan oleh tindakan itu) dapat menantang aktor dan mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak percaya mereka memiliki kartu untuk tindakan itu. Jika penantang benar, tindakan dibatalkan dan aktor harus membuang satu kartu pilihan mereka (mendapatkan kembali koin yang mereka habiskan jika berlaku). Jika tidak, tindakan diambil, aktor mengembalikan kartu yang ditantang ke geladak dan menarik yang baru, dan penantang harus membuang salah satu kartu mereka. Pemain harus jujur ​​tentang kartu apa yang mereka pegang saat ditantang.

Kartu yang dihilangkan dari bermain dengan Assassinate, Coup, dan tantangan yang hilang tidak dikembalikan ke geladak, tetapi kartu yang terungkap sebagai bagian dari tantangan yang dimenangkan dikembalikan ke geladak.

Blok dapat ditantang seperti halnya tindakan. Misalnya, jika pemain A mengklaim Bantuan Luar Negeri dan pemain B mengatakan "Saya memiliki Duke dan saya memblokir Bantuan Luar Negeri Anda", A mungkin mengatakan "Saya tidak percaya Anda memiliki Duke." Jika pernyataan itu benar, B kehilangan kartu karena tertangkap basah dan A mengambil 2 koin; jika tidak, A kehilangan kartu dan tidak mendapat koin, dan B harus mengembalikan Duke mereka ke geladak dan menggambar kartu baru.

Cara blok dan tantangan bekerja dengan Assassinate harus disempurnakan. Misalkan Pemain A mengatakan "Saya punya Assassin, dan saya Assassinate Player B". Jika B tidak berusaha untuk menantang atau memblokir A, maka pembunuhan terjadi: B kehilangan kartu dan A membayar 3 koin.

Atau, B dapat menantang dengan mengatakan "Saya tidak percaya Anda memiliki Assassin". Jika itu benar, maka A membuang kartu dan koin mereka dikembalikan, sedangkan B tidak terpengaruh, dan giliran A berakhir. Jika kepercayaan B salah dan A memegang Assassin, maka B kehilangan kedua kartu mereka dan gagal, satu untuk tantangan yang salah dan satu dari Pembunuhan.

Alih-alih menantang, B bisa mengatakan "Saya punya Contessa, dan saya memblokir Assassinate". Jika A percaya B, maka giliran A berakhir dan koin mereka tidak dikembalikan. Tapi A dapat menantang blok dan berkata, "Aku tidak percaya kamu punya Contessa." Jika B memang memegang Contessa, maka A kehilangan kartu karena tantangan yang salah. Tetapi jika B tidak, maka B kehilangan satu kartu karena tertangkap dalam kebohongan dan satu lagi dari Pembunuhan.

Logika yang mirip dengan penjelasan di atas berlaku untuk kemampuan Mencuri Kapten, di mana aksi atau blok dapat ditantang.

Dimungkinkan untuk kehilangan kedua kartu Anda dan dihilangkan dalam satu kesempatan, jika Anda tidak berhasil menantang seorang Pembunuh atau Anda kedapatan mengklaim bahwa Anda memiliki Contessa untuk memblokir Pembunuhan. Anda kehilangan satu kartu dari tantangan dan satu kartu dari Pembunuhan.


Tugas Anda adalah menulis sebuah program yang akan memainkan Coup. Ini akan diberikan sebagai argumen baris perintahnya:

  • Nama file yang berisi daftar tindakannya dan tindakan lawannya sejauh ini.
  • Integer dari 0 hingga 12 menunjukkan jumlah koin lawan.
  • Integer dari 0 hingga 12 menunjukkan jumlah koinnya.
  • Sebuah string dengan panjang satu hingga empat karakter menunjukkan kartunya. Biasanya ini hanya akan menjadi satu atau dua kartu yang dimiliki program Anda, tetapi jika program Anda baru saja berhasil di Exchange, panjangnya akan menjadi n + 2 karakter, di mana n adalah jumlah kartu yang tersisa. Program Anda kemudian harus mengeluarkan kartu n yang ingin disimpan untuk STDOUT. (Program tidak boleh membaca atau mengakses STDOUT selain untuk tujuan ini - jika Anda ingin menghasilkan keluaran debug, silakan menulis ke STDERR.)
  • Satu atau lebih argumen yang menunjukkan langkah hukum yang mungkin dibuatnya.

(Contoh doa:, yang yourprogram file.txt 1 7 '~!' a c p qberarti "Lawan Anda memiliki 1 koin. Anda memiliki 7 koin, seorang Duta Besar, dan Contessa. Menulis ke file.txt pilihan Anda dari a, c, p, atau q mengingat sejarah permainan dan keadaan permainan saat ini. ")

Program Anda harus menambahkan satu atau (dalam dua situasi tertentu) dua karakter ke file yang disediakan menunjukkan tindakannya. Tidak boleh mengubah konten file yang ada. Itu dapat membuat file baru yang diinginkannya, tetapi hanya di dalam direktori di mana ia dijalankan. Harap berikan semua perintah yang diperlukan untuk mengkompilasi dan menjalankan program Anda.

Saya telah memberikan dua contoh pesaing di bawah ini, yang ditulis dalam Go.

Format output adalah:

  • I\n: Penghasilan. Tanggapan hukum: setiap tindakan belokan (dengan asumsi seseorang memiliki koin untuk Assassinate / Coup).
  • F: Bantuan asing. Respons hukum: d(diblokir sebagai Duke), p(biarkan lewat).
  • C: Kudeta. Tanggapan hukum: mana dari _, ', <, =, 0adalah di tangan Anda.
  • E: Pertukaran. Tanggapan hukum: q(menantang, tidak percaya pemain memiliki Duta Besar) p,.
  • T: Pajak. Tanggapan hukum: q(menantang, tidak percaya pemain memiliki Duke) p,.
  • A: Dibunuh. Tanggapan hukum: s(blok sebagai Contessa), q(tantangan), dan mana dari _, ', <, =, 0adalah di tangan Anda.
  • S: Mencuri. Tanggapan hukum: a(blok sebagai Duta Besar), c(blok sebagai Kapten), q(tantangan, tidak percaya pemain memiliki Kapten) p,.
  • d: blok Bantuan Asing sebagai Duke. Tanggapan hukum: \n(terima blok), q(tantang, tidak percaya pemain memiliki Duke).
  • a: blokir Mencuri sebagai Duta Besar. Respons hukum: \n(terima blok), q(tantang, tidak percaya pemain memiliki Duta Besar).
  • c: blokir Mencuri sebagai Kapten. \n(terima blok), q(tantang, tidak percaya pemain memiliki Kapten).
  • s: blokir Assassinate sebagai Contessa. Respons hukum: \n(terima blok), q(tantang, tidak percaya pemain memiliki Contessa).
  • p: lulus menantang Pertukaran / Pajak / Curi ketika bukan giliran Anda. Tidak digunakan dengan A; untuk menolak untuk menantang pembunuhan, tulis salah satu dari _'<=0. Respons hukum: \n(akhiri giliran Anda), dan jika Anda baru saja berhasil di Exchange, tulis kartu yang ingin Anda simpan dari argumen baris perintah keempat menjadi STDOUT.
  • q: tantang tindakan atau blok terbaru. Respons hukum: jika Anda memiliki kartu untuk tindakan yang ditantang, pilih yang mana ~^*!$. Jika tidak, maka dari mana saja _'<=0dari tangan Anda yang ingin Anda menyerah, diikuti oleh baris baru jika dan hanya jika giliran Anda.
  • ~, ^, *, !, $: Mengungkapkan bahwa Anda mengatakan yang sebenarnya tentang memegang, masing-masing, Duta, Assassin, Kapten, sebuah Contessa, dan Duke (juga digunakan untuk mewakili kartu ini dalam argumen baris perintah, dan STDOUT output dalam Exchange ). Tanggapan hukum: mana dari _, ', <, =, 0Anda memiliki di tangan Anda.
  • _, ', <, =, 0: Menyerah sebagai hukuman, masing-masing, Duta, dan Assasin, Kapten, sebuah Contessa, dan Duke karena Anda kehilangan tantangan atau yang Dibunuh / couped. Respon hukum: \n.
  • \n: akhiri giliran Anda, dengan menolak untuk menantang blok jika ada. Respons hukum: setiap tindakan huruf besar (dengan asumsi seseorang memiliki koin untuk Assassinate / Coup dan lawan memiliki koin untuk Steal).

Format ini memiliki properti berguna berikut:

  • Ternyata mulai dengan huruf kapital.
  • Garis mengikuti pola: huruf besar, huruf kecil, tanda baca opsional atau 0 untuk kartu yang terbuka, baris baru.
  • File yang diakhiri dengan baris baru, atau file kosong, menunjukkan bahwa itu adalah permulaan giliran program Anda dan harus memilih tindakan huruf besar.
  • Tindakan hukum yang diizinkan untuk Anda lakukan pada doa biasanya ditentukan secara unik oleh karakter terakhir dalam file. Pengecualiannya adalah q, yang akan memiliki beberapa logika yang terkait dengannya. Lihat fungsi get_legal_actionsdi arbiter untuk membantu memahami hal ini. Atau Anda bisa menggunakan tindakan hukum yang Anda berikan pada baris perintah.
  • Sejumlah karakter pada garis menunjukkan bahwa giliran itu milik Anda dan program Anda diminta untuk memilih tindakan, menantang blok, atau mengakhiri gilirannya.
  • Sejumlah karakter aneh pada sebuah baris menunjukkan bahwa giliran itu bukan milik Anda dan program Anda diminta untuk memblokir, menantang, atau mengungkapkan / menyerahkan kartu.

Saya akan memberikan contoh untuk setiap tindakan.

I\nadalah yang termudah untuk dipahami. Suatu program mengambil satu koin Penghasilan, lalu mengakhiri gilirannya. Ini adalah salah satu dari dua kasus di mana program harus mencetak dua karakter, karena Penghasilan adalah satu-satunya tindakan di mana lawan tidak terpengaruh dan tidak dapat memblokir atau menantang.

Fp\nberarti bahwa satu program mengambil Bantuan Luar Negeri, maka lawannya menolak untuk memblokir ( p). Pada doa berikutnya, program pertama mencatat bahwa dengan huruf kecil terakhir pdan / atau jumlah karakter pada baris ini, ia mengambil giliran ini, yang belum berakhir, jadi ia tahu untuk mengakhiri gilirannya saat ini dengan mencetak baris baru.

C=\nberarti bahwa satu program meluncurkan Kudeta. Lawannya, tahu bahwa itu dipanggil untuk bereaksi dengan jumlah huruf aneh di telepon, menyerahkan Contessa. Sekali lagi, program pertama tahu bahwa ini adalah giliran tidak lengkap pada permohonan berikutnya dengan jumlah genap di telepon, jadi ia menulis baris baru untuk mengakhiri gilirannya.

Eq~<\nakan berarti bahwa satu program mencoba Exchange ( E) dan lawannya ditantang ( q). Program Pertukaran mengungkapkan bahwa sebenarnya memiliki Duta Besar ( ~) dan penantang menyerahkan Kapten sebagai hukuman ( <). Setelah penantang keluar, program Saling menukar dipanggil lagi dengan string empat karakter sebagai argumen baris perintah keempat (atau tiga karakter, jika hanya memiliki satu kartu). Itu menulis karakter yang mewakili kartu yang ingin disimpan untuk STDOUT dan baris baru ke file.

Tq'\nberarti bahwa satu program mencoba Pajak yang tidak benar, ditantang, dan menyerahkan Assassin. Ini menggambarkan kasus lain di mana dua karakter ditulis: jika giliran Anda dan Anda dipaksa untuk memberikan kartu - baik dari tantangan lawan yang benar (seperti di sini) atau dari tantangan salah blok Anda - maka Anda harus menulis keduanya kartu yang Anda menyerah dan baris baru untuk mengakhiri giliran Anda.

Asq!'\nakan berarti bahwa Pemain B berusaha untuk membunuh pemain A ( A), tetapi A mengklaim memiliki Contessa untuk memblokirnya ( s). B tidak percaya A dan menantang ( q). A mengungkapkan bahwa mereka memang memiliki Contessa ( !). B menyerahkan seorang Assassin sebagai hukuman, kehilangan koin mereka, dan mengakhiri giliran mereka ( '\n), menulis dua karakter seperti dalam kasus khusus itu. (Jika A memutuskan untuk tidak memblokir atau menantang, itu bisa saja ditulis =, dan kemudian lawannya akan melihat bahwa giliran telah berakhir dan menulis baris baru. Baris itu kemudian akan membaca A=\n, seperti contoh Kudeta.)

Sq*0\nberarti satu program mencoba Mencuri; lawan menantang, tidak percaya si pencuri memiliki Kapten; dan program asli mengungkapkan Kapten, jadi tantangannya tidak berhasil dan penantang menyerahkan Duke sebagai hukuman. (Pilihan lain untuk lawannya adalah untuk menerima Steal dengan menulis p. Lawannya kemudian akan mendeteksi akhir gilirannya dan menulis \n, menghasilkan garis Sp\n.)


Program akan dipanggil oleh skrip Python ini. Ini melakukan sepuluh putaran, di mana setiap pesaing menghadapi setiap pesaing lainnya saat keduanya dan kedua. Ini melacak jumlah kartu dan koin dan menentukan pecundang oleh program pertama untuk mengakhiri garis dengan tanda baca dua kali. Program yang keluar dengan status tidak nol, memodifikasi file, menulis perpindahan ilegal ke file, atau upaya Exchange ilegal akan secara otomatis hangus. Jika setiap pemain melakukan lebih dari 100 aksi, termasuk blok dan tantangan, tanpa pemenang, maka kedua program kalah. Pemenang diberikan satu poin. Pemain yang programnya mencetak poin terbanyak, menang.

Saya sarankan Anda membaca kode sumber Arbiter, terutama get_legal_actionsfungsinya. Ini dapat membantu Anda memahami spesifikasi dan menulis program Anda sendiri.

import itertools
import os
import random
import subprocess

class Player:
    def __init__(self, name, command): = name
        self.command = command
        self.score = 0
        self.coins = 1 = ""

actions_dict = {
    'E': '_', 'T': '0', 'A': "'", 'S': '<',
    'd': '0', 'a': '_', 'c': '<', 's': '='
punishment_to_reveal = {'_': '~', "'": '^', '<': '*', '=': '!', '0': '$'}
reveal_to_punishment = {
    punishment_to_reveal[k]: k for k in punishment_to_reveal

def get_legal_actions(history, player, opponent):
    c = history[-1]
    result = ""
    # Our turn begins; choose an action.
    if c == '\n':
        if player.coins >= 10:
            return ["C"]
        ret = ['I\n'] + list("FET")
        if player.coins >= 3:
        if player.coins >= 7:
        if opponent.coins > 0:
        return ret
    # Opponent attempted foreign aid; can pass or claim Duke to block.
    elif c == 'F':
        return list('dp')
    # We have been Couped; must surrender a card.
    elif c == 'C':
    # We failed a challenge; must surrender a card and print a newline
    # if it is our turn.
    elif c in '~^*!$':
        if history[-3] in 'acds':
            return [card + '\n' for card in]
    # Opponent attempted Exchange or Tax; can pass or challenge.
    elif c == 'E' or c == 'T':
        return list('pq')
    # Opponent attempted an Assassination; can block, challenge, or give in.
    elif c == 'A':
        return list('sq') +
    # Opponent attempted to Steal; can pass, block as Ambassador/Captain,
    # or challenge.
    elif c == 'S':
        return list('acpq')
    # Opponent blocked; can challenge or withdraw.
    elif c in 'acds':
        return list('q\n')
    # Opponent passed on blocking Foreign Aid/Tax/Exchange or they gave up a
    # card as punishment, must end turn.
    elif c in "p_'<=0":
        return ['\n']
    # Opponent challenged us.
    elif c == 'q':
        challenged_action = history[-2]
        # If we have the card they challenged us over, must reveal it.
        necessary_card = actions_dict[challenged_action]
        if necessary_card in
            return [punishment_to_reveal[necessary_card]]
        # Otherwise, we can give up either of our cards, writing a newline
        # if it is our turn.
        if challenged_action in 'acds':
            return list(
            return [card + '\n' for card in]
        return None

deck = ['_', "'", '<', '=', '0'] * 3

def determine_turn_effects(line, output, cards, current_player, opponent):
    last_action = line[-2]
    # Only operate if the opponent declined to challenge (p) or the
    # program successfully challenged their block
    if last_action in "p_'<=0":
        primary_action = line[0]
        # Foreign Aid
        if primary_action == 'F':
            print, "received 2 coins of Foreign Aid"
            current_player.coins += 2
        # Tax
        elif primary_action == 'T':
            print, "received 3 coins of Tax"
            current_player.coins += 3
        # Steal
        elif primary_action == 'S':
            stolen_coins = 1 if opponent.coins == 1 else 2
                    "stole %d coins from %s" % (stolen_coins,
            current_player.coins += stolen_coins
            opponent.coins -= stolen_coins
        # Exchange, store desired cards and replace undesired ones
        elif primary_action == 'E':
            print, "tried to take %r" % output, "from", cards
            legal_outputs = [''.join(p) for p in itertools.permutations(
                    cards, len(]
            if output not in legal_outputs:
                print, "forfeits by illegal exchange"
                return opponent
   = [
                reveal_to_punishment[c] for c in output
            undesired_cards = list(cards)
            for c in output:
            for card in undesired_cards:
    # Coins are not returned from a successful Contessa block
    elif last_action == 's':
        print, "lost 3 coins from a Contessa block"
        current_player.coins -= 3
    return None

def play_game(player1, player2, round_number, game_number):
    outfilename = os.path.abspath(__file__)[:-len(__file__)] + '_'.join([,, str(round_number), str(game_number)
    ]) + '.txt'
    print outfilename
    f = open(outfilename, 'w')
    players_list = [player1, player2] = [deck.pop(), deck.pop()] = [deck.pop(), deck.pop()]
    current_player_index = 0
    for i in range(200):
        current_player = players_list[current_player_index]
        opponent = players_list[(current_player_index+1) % 2]
        legal_actions = []
        original_contents = []
        original_contents_joined = ""
        with open(outfilename, 'r') as outfile:
            original_contents = outfile.readlines()
            original_contents_joined = ''.join(original_contents)
            if len(original_contents) == 0:
                legal_actions = ['I\n'] + list("FEST")
                legal_actions = get_legal_actions(
                        original_contents[-1], current_player, opponent)
        if not legal_actions:
            print "Error: file ended in invalid character"
            return current_player
        # Has the player completed an Exchange? Pass them new cards if so.
        exchange_cards = ""
        old_last_line = original_contents[-1] if len(original_contents) > 0 else '\n'
        if old_last_line[-1] != '\n' and old_last_line[0] == 'E' and \
                len(old_last_line) % 2 == 0 and old_last_line[-1] in "p_'<=0":
            exchange_cards = punishment_to_reveal[deck.pop()] + \

        cards = exchange_cards + ''.join(
                    punishment_to_reveal[card] for card in
        args = current_player.command + [
        ] + legal_actions
        print ' '.join(args)
        output = ""
            output = subprocess.check_output(args)
        # Competitors that fail to execute must forfeit
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            print, "forfeits by non-zero exit status"
            return opponent

        new_contents = []
        new_contents_joined = ""
        with open(outfilename, 'r') as outfile:
            new_contents = outfile.readlines()
            new_contents_joined = ''.join(new_contents)
        if original_contents_joined != new_contents_joined[:-2] and \
                original_contents_joined != new_contents_joined[:-1]:
            print, "forfeits by modifying the file"
            print "old:", original_contents
            print "new:", new_contents
            return opponent
        new_last_line = new_contents[-1]
        the_move_made = ""
        for action in legal_actions:
            if new_last_line.endswith(action):
                the_move_made = action
        # Competitors that make an illegal move must forfeit
        if not the_move_made:
            print, "forfeits with an illegal move,",\
                    "last line: %r" % new_last_line
            print, "wins!"
            return opponent
        print, "played %r" % the_move_made
        # Side effects of moves.
        # Income, give the current player a coin.
        if the_move_made == "I\n":
            print, "received 1 coin of income"
            current_player.coins += 1
        # The program surrendered a card on its turn; take it away. 
        elif len(the_move_made) == 2:
            print, "lost a card from being challenged"
            # Coins are not returned from a successful Contessa block
            if new_last_line[-3] == '!':
                print, "lost 3 coins from a Contessa block"
                current_player.coins -= 3
        # The program surrendered a card when it was not its turn.
        elif the_move_made in "_'<=0":
            print, "gave up a", the_move_made
            if new_last_line[0] == 'C':
                opponent.coins -= 7
            elif new_last_line[0] == 'A':
                opponent.coins -= 3
            # Did the program unsuccessfully challenge an Assassination
            # (e.g. Aq^0\n)
            # or get caught falsely blocking with a Contessa
            # (e.g. Asq0\n)?
            # If yes, it loses right away.
            if new_last_line[0] == 'A' and new_last_line[1] in 'qs' and \
                    len(new_last_line) == 4:
                print, "lost both cards in the same turn."
                print, "wins!"
                return opponent
        elif the_move_made == 'S':
            print, "attempted Steal"
        elif the_move_made == 'T':
            print, "attempted Tax"
        elif the_move_made == 'A':
            print, "attempted Assassinate"
        elif the_move_made == 'C':
            print, "launched a Coup"
        elif the_move_made == 'F':
            print, "attempted Foreign Aid"
        elif the_move_made == 'E':
            print, "attempted Exchange"
        elif the_move_made == 'q':
            print, "challenged"
        elif the_move_made == 'p':
            print, "passed"
        elif the_move_made == 'a':
            print, "blocked with an Ambassador"
        elif the_move_made == 'c':
            print, "blocked with a Captain"
        elif the_move_made == 's':
            print, "blocked with a Contessa"
        elif the_move_made == 'd':
            print, "blocked with a Duke"
        # The program revealed a card from an opponent's unsuccessful challenge.
        # Give it a new card.
        # Special case: a program whose Exchange is unsuccessfully challenged
        # may keep the Ambassador it revealed in the Exchange, so give a new
        # card for a revealed Ambassador only if it was used to block a Steal.
        elif the_move_made in '^*!$' or (the_move_made == '~' and
                new_last_line[0] == 'S'):
            p = reveal_to_punishment[the_move_made]
            print, "did have a", the_move_made
        # The program ended its turn. We must examine the rest of the line to
        # determine the side effects.
        elif the_move_made == '\n':
            potential_winner = determine_turn_effects(
                    new_last_line, output.strip(), cards, current_player,
            if potential_winner:
                        "wins because their opponent made an illegal exchange!"
                return potential_winner

        # One player has lost all their cards. Victory for the opponent!
        if == []:
            print, "wins by eliminating both opponent cards!"
            return opponent

        current_player_index += 1
        current_player_index %= 2
    return None

competitors = []
competitors.append(Player("Challenger", ["./challenger"]))
competitors.append(Player("Random", ["./random"]))
# ...More competitors here

for i in range(10):
    print "-- Round", i
    j = 0
    for pairing in itertools.permutations(competitors, 2):
        player1, player2 = pairing
        print '--- Game', j, ':',, 'vs.',
        winner = play_game(player1, player2, i, j)
        if not winner:
            j += 1
        winner.score += 1
        player1.coins = 1 = ""
        player2.coins = 1 = ""
        deck = ['_', "'", '<', '=', '0'] * 3
        j += 1

competitors.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda player: player.score)

for player in competitors:
    print '%5d %s' % (player.score,


Satu program tidak dapat memiliki kode khusus untuk program lain, dan program tidak dapat saling membantu. (Anda mungkin memiliki banyak program, tetapi mereka tidak dapat berinteraksi satu sama lain dengan cara apa pun.)

Jika program Anda kehilangan kedua kartunya dalam giliran yang sama, ia hanya perlu menulis satu. Arbiter akan mendeteksi bahwa ia telah dihilangkan.

Dimungkinkan dan didorong, tetapi tidak diwajibkan, bagi program untuk memeriksa sejarah gim dalam file. Dengan melakukan itu mereka dapat menentukan kartu apa yang diklaim dimiliki lawan dan menangkapnya dalam kebohongan.

Dalam gim kudeta yang sebenarnya, Anda dapat menantang suatu tindakan dan kemudian mencoba untuk memblokirnya pada giliran yang sama. Saya tidak dapat membuat spesifikasi berfungsi jika saya mengizinkannya, jadi Anda dapat menantang atau memblokir tindakan yang diberikan, tetapi tidak keduanya.

Permintaan maaf saya kepada @PeterTaylor, yang pada waktu sebelumnya saya memposting ini menyarankan agar saya mempostingnya ke kotak pasir dan mengerjakan ulang protokol untuk mengirim keluar dan keluar pipa di STDOUT / STDIN. Saya mencoba begitu, sangat sulit untuk membuatnya bekerja, menghabiskan satu hari penuh di atasnya (ketika saya sudah menghabiskan satu hari penuh menulis tantangan asli). Tetapi Pertukaran terbukti sangat rumit untuk diterapkan seperti itu, ditambah lagi itu akan meningkatkan kompleksitas pengiriman dengan mengharuskan mereka untuk melacak jumlah koin mereka sendiri. Jadi saya telah memposting tantangan kurang lebih seperti aslinya.

Ungu P
Saya tidak begitu mengerti bagaimana belokan berakhir. Dari pos, tantangan / blok sukses akan mengakhiri pergantian. Dan bagaimana dengan orang lain? Bolehkah seseorang bertukar kali tanpa batas selama musuh tidak menantang?
@ tsh Suatu program selalu mengakhiri gilirannya dengan menulis baris baru, tetapi mungkin menulis karakter sebelum itu jika mengambil Penghasilan atau kehilangan kartu pada gilirannya sendiri. Tantangan / blok sukses memang akan mengakhiri pergantian. Blok sukses Pencurian akan muncul: program A menulis S, program B memblokir dengan menulis c, A menolak tantangan dengan menulis \n. Tantangan Steal yang berhasil adalah: A menulis S, B menantang dengan menulis q, A mengakui tantangan dengan menulis misalnya _\n, Anda hanya dapat mengambil satu tindakan per giliran, termasuk Exchange. Respons hukum terhadap Exchange lulus dan menantang.
Purple P
@jaaq Saya belum memutuskan tenggat waktu. Setidaknya saya akan tetap buka sampai Anda mengirimkan :)
Purple P
@jaaq Arbiter melakukan masing-masing 10 putaran c P2, di mana c adalah jumlah pesaing. Saat ini ada 13 pesaing, menghasilkan 10 (13P2) = 10 (13! / 11!) = 10 (13 * 12) = 1560 pertandingan.
Purple P
@jaaq saya pergi. Saya kembali. Diperbarui.
Purple P




Merencanakan serangkaian langkah kemenangannya, dan menantang apa pun yang akan mencegahnya menang.

from __future__ import division
import sys
import random
import operator

_, filename, othercoins, mycoins, mycards = sys.argv[:5]
legalActions = sys.argv[5:]

actions_dict = {'E': '_', 'T': '0', 'A': "'", 'S': '<', 'd': '0', 'a': '_', 'c': '<', 's': '='}
punishment_to_reveal = {'_': '~', "'": '^', '<': '*', '=': '!', '0': '$'}
reveal_to_punishment = {punishment_to_reveal[k]: k for k in punishment_to_reveal}

obviousActions = ['~', '^', '*', '!', '$']
lossActions = ['_', "'", '<', '=', '0']

statefilename = './state.txt'
flags = set()
# Flags:
# 1 We went first
# $ Attacking with Duke
# * Attacking with Captain
# ^ Attacking with Assassin
# d Opponent used Duke
# c Opponent used Captain
# A Opponent used Assassin
# F Opponent used Foreign Aid

with open(statefilename, "a+") as statefile:
    if statefile.readline().strip() == filename:
        flags = set(statefile.readline().strip())

with open(filename, "r+") as history:
    line = "\n"
    turn = 0
    oppcardcount = 4 - len(mycards)
    for a in history:
        line = a
        turn += 1
        if [c for c in line if c in lossActions]:
            oppcardcount -= 1

    mycoins = int(mycoins)
    othercoins = int(othercoins)
    mycardcount = len(mycards)

    if line == 'T':
        othercoins += 3
    elif line == 'S':
        othercoins += (2 if mycoins > 2 else mycoins)
        mycoins -= (2 if mycoins > 2 else mycoins)
    elif line == 'A':
        othercoins -= 3
        mycardcount -= 1
    elif line == 'F':
    elif line == 'I\n':
        # If opponent is backing down, they're not so scary anymore

    # What's the least aggressive play that still wins?
    iGetStolen = ('c' in flags and not '*' in mycards and not '~' in mycards)
    iGetAssassinated = ('A' in flags and not '!' in mycards)
    incomeTimeToWin = max(0,7*oppcardcount-mycoins)+oppcardcount if not iGetStolen else 1000
    faidTimeToWin = max(0,7*oppcardcount-mycoins+1)//2+oppcardcount if not iGetStolen else 1000
    dukeTimeToWin = max(0,7*oppcardcount+(2*(oppcardcount-mycardcount) if iGetStolen else 0)-mycoins+2)//(3 if not iGetStolen else 1)+oppcardcount
    assassinTimeToWin = max(0,3*oppcardcount-mycoins)+oppcardcount if not iGetStolen else oppcardcount if mycoins >= 5*oppcardcount-2 else 1000
    captainTimeToWin = max(0,7*oppcardcount-mycoins+1)//2+oppcardcount
    faidAssassinTimeToWin = max(0,3*oppcardcount-mycoins+1)//2+oppcardcount if not iGetStolen else 1000
    dukeAssassinTimeToWin = max(0,3*oppcardcount+(2*(oppcardcount-mycardcount) if iGetStolen else 0)-mycoins+2)//(3 if not iGetStolen else 1)+oppcardcount
    captainAssassinTimeToWin = max(0,3*oppcardcount-mycoins+1)//2+oppcardcount
    opponentMoneySpeed = (2 if iGetStolen else 3 if 'd' in flags else 2 if 'F' in flags and not '$' in mycards else 1)
    opponentTimeToWin = max(0,(3 if iGetAssassinated else 7)*mycardcount-othercoins+opponentMoneySpeed-1)//opponentMoneySpeed+mycardcount
    opponentTimeToWinCaptained = max(0,(3 if iGetAssassinated else 7)*mycardcount+2*(mycardcount-oppcardcount)-(othercoins-2 if othercoins>2 else 0)+opponentMoneySpeed-3)//(opponentMoneySpeed-2)+mycardcount if opponentMoneySpeed > 2 else 1000

    def pickCardToLose():
        favoriteCards = []
        if dukeTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWin and '$' in mycards:
            favoriteCards = ['$', '!', '*', '~', '^']
        elif dukeAssassinTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWin and ('$' in mycards or '$' in flags) and '^' in mycards:
            favoriteCards = ['^', '$', '!', '*', '~']
        elif assassinTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWin and '^' in mycards:
            favoriteCards = ['^', '!', '*', '~', '$']
        elif captainTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWinCaptained and '*' in mycards:
            favoriteCards = ['*', '!', '$', '^', '~']
        elif faidTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWin and '^' in mycards and not 'd' in flags:
            favoriteCards = ['!', '*', '~', '$', '^']
        elif faidAssassinTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWin and '^' in mycards and not 'd' in flags:
            favoriteCards = ['^', '!', '*', '~', '$']
        elif captainAssassinTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWinCaptained and '*' in mycards and '^' in mycards:
            favoriteCards = ['^', '*', '!', '$', '~']
            favoriteCards = ['!', '*', '~', '$', '^']
        # Losing a card.  Decide which is most valuable.
        for k in favoriteCards:
            if k in mycards:
                cardToLose = k
        return reveal_to_punishment[cardToLose]

    action = legalActions[0]
    if line == "\n":
        # First turn behavior
        if '$' in mycards and 'T' in legalActions:
            action = 'T'
        elif '*' in mycards and 'S' in legalActions:
            action = 'S'
        elif '^' in mycards and 'I\n' in legalActions:
            action = 'I\n'
        elif '~' in mycards and 'E' in legalActions:
            action = 'E'
        elif 'T' in legalActions:
            # Contessa/Contessa?  Need to lie.
            action = 'T'
    elif set(obviousActions).intersection(legalActions):
        # Always take these actions if possible
        for a in set(obviousActions).intersection(legalActions):
            action = a
        # This might change our strategy
    elif '$' in mycards and 'd' in legalActions:
        action = 'd'
    elif '~' in mycards and 'a' in legalActions:
        action = 'a'
    elif '*' in mycards and 'c' in legalActions:
        action = 'c'
    elif '!' in mycards and 's' in legalActions:
        action = 's'
    elif 'q' in legalActions and line[-1] in 'dacs':
        # We're committed at this point
        action = 'q'
    elif 'q' in legalActions and '*' in flags and line[-1] in 'SE':
        # Don't allow these when using a steal strategy
        action = 'q'
    elif 'q' in legalActions and turn == 1:
        if line == 'T':
            if mycards == '$$' or mycards == '^^' or mycards == '!!':
                action = 'q'
                action = 'p'
        elif line == 'S':
            if '$' in mycards and '^' in mycards:
                action = 'p'
                action = 'q'
        elif line == 'E':
            action = 'p'
    elif line == 'A' and len(mycards) > 1:
        # Don't challenge the first assasination.  We'll get 'em later.
        action = pickCardToLose()
    elif line == 'A':
        # Can't let this pass
        action = 'q'
    elif line == 'C':
        # Taking damage
        action = pickCardToLose()
    elif len(line) == 2 and line[1] == 'q':
        # My base action was successfully challenged
        action = pickCardToLose()+"\n"
        # Also stop claiming what we were challenged for
        if line == "Tq":
        elif line == "Sq":
        elif line == "Aq":
    elif len(line) == 3 and line[1] == 'q':
        # I failed challenging a base action
        action = pickCardToLose()
    elif len(line) == 3 and line[2] == 'q':
        # My block was successfully challenged
        action = pickCardToLose()
    elif len(line) == 4 and line[2] == 'q':
        # I failed challenging a block
        action = pickCardToLose()+"\n"
        if 'p' in legalActions:
            # Default to pass if no other action is chosen
            action = 'p'

        if dukeTimeToWin <= opponentTimeToWin and ('$' in mycards or '$' in flags):
            if 'C' in legalActions:
                action = 'C'
            elif 'T' in legalActions:
                action = 'T'
        elif incomeTimeToWin <= opponentTimeToWin:
            if 'C' in legalActions:
                action = 'C'
            elif 'I\n' in legalActions:
                action = "I\n"
        elif dukeAssassinTimeToWin <= opponentTimeToWin and ('$' in mycards or '$' in flags) and '^' in mycards and mycardcount > 1:
            if 3*oppcardcount <= mycoins - (2*(oppcardcount-1) if iGetStolen else 0) and 'A' in legalActions:
                action = 'A'
            elif 'T' in legalActions:
                action = 'T'
        elif assassinTimeToWin <= opponentTimeToWin and '^' in mycards:
            if 'A' in legalActions:
                action = 'A'
            elif 'I\n' in legalActions:
                action = 'I\n'
        elif captainTimeToWin <= opponentTimeToWinCaptained and '*' in mycards:
            if 'C' in legalActions:
                action = 'C'
            elif 'S' in legalActions:
                action = 'S'
            elif 'I\n' in legalActions:
                action = 'I\n'
        elif faidTimeToWin <= opponentTimeToWin and not 'd' in flags:
            if 'C' in legalActions:
                action = 'C'
            elif 'F' in legalActions:
                action = 'F'
        elif faidAssassinTimeToWin <= opponentTimeToWin and '^' in mycards and not 'd' in flags:
            if 'A' in legalActions:
                action = 'A'
            elif 'F' in legalActions:
                action = 'F'
        elif captainAssassinTimeToWin <= opponentTimeToWinCaptained and '*' in mycards and '^' in mycards:
            if 'A' in legalActions:
                action = 'A'
            elif 'S' in legalActions:
                action = 'S'
        elif 'q' in legalActions:
            action = 'q'
        # No winning strategy.  Find something useful to do anyway.
        elif 'C' in legalActions and not '^' in flags:
            action = 'C'
        elif 'S' in legalActions and '*' in flags:
            action = 'S'
        elif 'A' in legalActions and '^' in flags:
            action = 'A'
        elif 'E' in legalActions and '~' in mycards and dukeAssassinTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWin:
            action = 'E'
        elif 'F' in legalActions and not 'd' in flags:
            action = 'F'
        elif 'T' in legalActions:
            action = 'T'
    if action == 'q':
        if line == 'T' or line == 'Fd':
        elif line == 'S' or line == 'Sc':
        elif line == 'A':

if len(mycards) > 2:
    favoriteCards = []
    if dukeTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWin and '$' in mycards:
        favoriteCards = ['$', '!', '*', '~', '^']
    elif dukeAssassinTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWin and ('$' in mycards or '$' in flags) and '^' in mycards:
        favoriteCards = ['^', '$', '!', '*', '~']
    elif assassinTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWin and '^' in mycards:
        favoriteCards = ['^', '!', '*', '~', '$']
    elif captainTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWinCaptained and '*' in mycards:
        favoriteCards = ['*', '!', '$', '^', '~']
    elif faidTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWin and '^' in mycards and not 'd' in flags:
        favoriteCards = ['!', '*', '~', '$', '^']
    elif faidAssassinTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWin and '^' in mycards and not 'd' in flags:
        favoriteCards = ['^', '!', '*', '~', '$']
    elif captainAssassinTimeToWin < opponentTimeToWinCaptained and '*' in mycards and '^' in mycards:
        favoriteCards = ['^', '*', '!', '$', '~']
        favoriteCards = ['!', '*', '~', '$', '^']
    # Losing two cards.  Decide which is most valuable.
    possibleCards = [k for k in favoriteCards if k in mycards]
    if len(possibleCards) < len(mycards) - 2:
        possibleCards = list(mycards)
    mycards = ''.join(possibleCards[:(len(mycards)-2)])
    print mycards

with open(statefilename, "w") as statefile:


Mengatakan yang sebenarnya pada awalnya, tetapi mulai berbohong ketika berhenti ditantang. Juga memiliki beberapa perilaku solver. (Perkiraan bagaimana saya berperilaku saat bermain game ini dengan manusia)

import sys
import random

_, filename, othercoins, mycoins, mycards = sys.argv[:5]
legalActions = sys.argv[5:]

actions_dict = {'E': '_', 'T': '0', 'A': "'", 'S': '<', 'd': '0', 'a': '_', 'c': '<', 's': '='}
punishment_to_reveal = {'_': '~', "'": '^', '<': '*', '=': '!', '0': '$'}
reveal_to_punishment = {punishment_to_reveal[k]: k for k in punishment_to_reveal}

obviousActions = ['C', '~', '^', '*', '!', '$']
lossActions = ['_', "'", '<', '=' '0']

statefilename = './state.txt'
myclaims = set()
otherclaims = set()
mycaughtlies = set()
othercaughtlies = set()
flags = set()
# Flags:
# * Opponent had a chance to challenge us just now
# & Opponent has stopped wildly challenging everything
# E We have exchanged at least once
# S Opponent did not block a steal.  Go for the jugular!
# _ Opponent has lost a card

with open(statefilename, "a+") as statefile:
    if statefile.readline().strip() == filename:
        myclaims = set(statefile.readline().strip())
        otherclaims = set(statefile.readline().strip())
        mycaughtlies = set(statefile.readline().strip())
        othercaughtlies = set(statefile.readline().strip())
        flags = set(statefile.readline().strip())

def getFavoriteCards():
    favoriteCards = []
    if '*' in otherclaims:
    elif not '~' in otherclaims:
    if len(otherclaims) > (0 if '_' in flags else 1) and mycoins > 1 and not '!' in otherclaims:
    if not '~' in favoriteCards:
    return favoriteCards

def pickCardToLose():
    # Losing a card.  Decide which is most valuable.
    favoriteCards = getFavoriteCards()
    cardToLose = ''
    for k in favoriteCards:
        if k in mycards:
            cardToLose = k
    for k in mycards:
        if not k in favoriteCards:
            cardToLose = k
    return reveal_to_punishment[cardToLose]

with open(filename, "r+") as history:
    line = "\n"
    for a in history:
        line = a
    if 'q' in legalActions:
    if len(line) > 2 and line.endswith('\n') and line[-2] in lossActions:
    if len(line) > 2 and line.endswith('\n') and (line.startswith('Ep') or line.startswith('Eq~')):
        othercaughtlies = set()
    if '*' in flags:
        if line[-1] not in 'qdacs':
            if line[-2] == 'F':
            if line[-2] == 'S':
            if line[-2] == 'A':
    action = legalActions[0]
    if set(obviousActions).intersection(legalActions):
        # Always take these actions if possible
        for a in set(obviousActions).intersection(legalActions):
            action = a
        if action in reveal_to_punishment:
    elif '&' in flags:
        preferredActions = []
        mysafecards = myclaims.union(mycards)

        # Calculate the financial situation
        mygain = 0
        oppgain = 0
        if '*' in mysafecards and not '*' in otherclaims and not '~' in otherclaims:
            mygain += 2
            oppgain -= 2
        elif '$' in mysafecards:
            mygain += 3
        elif not '$' in otherclaims:
            mygain += 1 # This script doesn't use foreign aid
            mygain += 1
        if '*' in otherclaims and not '*' in mysafecards and not '~' in mysafecards:
            oppgain += 2
            mygain -= 2
        elif '$' in mysafecards:
            oppgain += 3
        elif not '$' in otherclaims:
            oppgain += 2
            oppgain += 1
        mydist = 7 - int(mycoins)
        oppdist = 7 - int(othercoins)
        if '^' in mysafecards and len(otherclaims) > (0 if '_' in flags else 1) and not '!' in otherclaims:
            mydist -= 4
        if '^' in otherclaims and not '!' in mysafecards:
            oppdist -= 4
        if mydist > 0 and (oppdist <= 0 or mygain <= 0 or (oppgain > 0 and ((oppdist+oppgain-1) // oppgain) < ((mydist+mygain-1) // mygain))):
            # Not winning.  Do something desperate.
            timeToLive = ((oppdist+oppgain-1) // oppgain) if oppdist > 0 else 0
            favoriteCards = getFavoriteCards()
            if timeToLive < len(otherclaims):
            if (timeToLive or len(mycards) > 1) and favoriteCards[0] not in mysafecards:
            elif mycoins >= 3 and random.randint(0,2):

        if 'a' in legalActions and ('~' in mycards or '*' in mycards) and not 's' in flags:
            # Allow the first steal, as bait
            if '~' in mycards:
        if '$' in mysafecards:
        if '~' in mysafecards:
        elif '*' in mysafecards:
            preferredActions.append('c' if random.randint(0,1) else 'a')
        if not 'E' in flags:
        if not ('~' in otherclaims or '*' in otherclaims):
        if len(otherclaims) > (0 if '_' in flags else 1) and ('^' in mycards or not '_' in flags) and not '!' in otherclaims:
        if line[-1] in actions_dict and punishment_to_reveal[actions_dict[line[-1]]] in othercaughtlies:
        preferredActions += ['p', '\n']
        if len(myclaims) < len(mycards):
            # Slip a lie in before admitting all cards in hand
            preferredActions = [a for a in preferredActions
                if not a in actions_dict
                or not punishment_to_reveal[actions_dict[a]] in mysafecards]
            preferredActions = [a for a in preferredActions
                if not a in actions_dict
                or punishment_to_reveal[actions_dict[a]] in mycards
                or not punishment_to_reveal[actions_dict[a]] in mycaughtlies]
        preferredActions = [a for a in preferredActions if a in legalActions]
        if preferredActions:
            action = preferredActions[0]
            loss = pickCardToLose()
            if loss in legalActions:
                action = loss
            elif loss+"\n" in legalActions:
                action = loss+"\n"
        preferredActions = []
        if not ('~' in otherclaims or '*' in otherclaims):
        preferredActions += ['T', 'E', 'd', 'a', 'c', 's', 'p', '\n']
        if not '!' in otherclaims:
        preferredActions = [a for a in preferredActions if a in legalActions]
        # Filter out lies, provided that doesn't filter out everything
        preferredActions = [a for a in preferredActions
            if not a in actions_dict
            or punishment_to_reveal[actions_dict[a]] in mycards
        ] or [a for a in preferredActions
            if not a in actions_dict
            or not punishment_to_reveal[actions_dict[a]] in mycaughtlies
        if preferredActions:
            action = preferredActions[0]
            loss = pickCardToLose()
            if loss in legalActions:
                action = loss
            elif loss+"\n" in legalActions:
                action = loss+"\n"
        if 'a' in legalActions:
            if action not in 'acq':
                # If vulnerable to stealing, don't admit it!
                action = random.choice('acq')
            elif not 's' in flags:
                # Allow the first steal, as bait
                action = 'p'
                if '~' in mycards:
    if action.strip("\n") in lossActions:
        if line[-1] == 'q':
            # Also stop claiming what we were challenged for
    if action == 'q':
        # We challenged it.  One way or another, they will not have this card later.
    if action in actions_dict:

if len(mycards) > 2:
    mycaughtlies = set()
    # Losing two cards.  Decide which is most valuable.
    favoriteCards = getFavoriteCards()
    # After an exchange, we can claim what we like.  Throw in some lying for more flexibility.
    myclaims = set()
    possibleCards = [k for k in favoriteCards if k in mycards]
    if random.randint(1,len(possibleCards)) > len(mycards) - 2:
        possibleCards = possibleCards[1:]
    if len(possibleCards) < len(mycards) - 2:
        possibleCards = list(mycards)
    mycards = ''.join(possibleCards[:(len(mycards)-2)])
    print mycards

with open(statefilename, "w") as statefile:


Mencoba menyingkirkan Duta dan Kapten lawan, dan menang dengan mencuri.

import sys
import random

_, filename, othercoins, mycoins, mycards = sys.argv[:5]
legalActions = sys.argv[5:]

actions_dict = {'E': '_', 'T': '0', 'A': "'", 'S': '<', 'd': '0', 'a': '_', 'c': '<', 's': '='}
punishment_to_reveal = {'_': '~', "'": '^', '<': '*', '=': '!', '0': '$'}
reveal_to_punishment = {punishment_to_reveal[k]: k for k in punishment_to_reveal}

obviousActions = ['C', '~', '^', '*', '!', '$']
lossActions = ['_', "'", '<', '=' '0']

def getFavoriteCards():
    return ['*', '!', '~', '$', '^']

def pickCardToLose():
    # Losing a card.  Decide which is most valuable.
    favoriteCards = getFavoriteCards()
    cardToLose = ''
    for k in favoriteCards:
        if k in mycards:
            cardToLose = k
    for k in mycards:
        if not k in favoriteCards:
            cardToLose = k
    return reveal_to_punishment[cardToLose]

with open(filename, "r+") as history:
    line = "\n"
    turn = 0
    for a in history:
        line = a
        turn += 1
    action = legalActions[0]
    if set(obviousActions).intersection(legalActions):
        # Always take these actions if possible
        for a in set(obviousActions).intersection(legalActions):
            action = a
    elif 'p' in legalActions and turn == 1 and line == "E":
        # Let this pass... once
        action = 'p'
    elif 'q' in legalActions and line[-1] in 'SEac':
        # These get in the way of stealing, get rid of them even if it costs us a card
        action = 'q'
    elif 'E' in legalActions and '~' in mycards and '*' not in mycards:
        action = 'E'
    elif 'S' in legalActions:
        action = 'S'
    elif 's' in legalActions:
        if '!' in mycards:
            action = 's'
        elif len(mycards) == 1:
            action = random.choice('sq')
            action = pickCardToLose()
    elif 'p' in legalActions:
        action = 'p'
    elif line == 'A' or line == 'C':
        # Taking damage
        action = pickCardToLose()
    elif len(line) == 2 and line[1] == 'q':
        # My base action was successfully challenged
        action = pickCardToLose()+"\n"
    elif len(line) == 3 and line[1] == 'q':
        # I failed challenging a base action
        action = pickCardToLose()
    elif len(line) == 3 and line[2] == 'q':
        # My block was successfully challenged
        action = pickCardToLose()
    elif len(line) == 4 and line[2] == 'q':
        # I failed challenging a block
        action = pickCardToLose()+"\n"

if len(mycards) > 2:
    # Losing two cards.  Decide which is most valuable.
    favoriteCards = getFavoriteCards()
    possibleCards = [k for k in favoriteCards if k in mycards]
    if mycards.count('*') > 1:
        # Hooray captains!
        possibleCards = ['*'] + possibleCards
    if len(possibleCards) < len(mycards) - 2:
        possibleCards = list(mycards)
    mycards = ''.join(possibleCards[:(len(mycards)-2)])
    print mycards

Pembunuhan berdarah

Sebagai lawan dari Bandit, yang ini cocok dengan strategi Duke + Assassin.

import sys
import random

_, filename, othercoins, mycoins, mycards = sys.argv[:5]
legalActions = sys.argv[5:]

actions_dict = {'E': '_', 'T': '0', 'A': "'", 'S': '<', 'd': '0', 'a': '_', 'c': '<', 's': '='}
punishment_to_reveal = {'_': '~', "'": '^', '<': '*', '=': '!', '0': '$'}
reveal_to_punishment = {punishment_to_reveal[k]: k for k in punishment_to_reveal}

obviousActions = ['C', '~', '^', '*', '!', '$']
lossActions = ['_', "'", '<', '=' '0']

def getFavoriteCards():
    return ['^', '$', '!', '*', '~']

def pickCardToLose():
    # Losing a card.  Decide which is most valuable.
    favoriteCards = getFavoriteCards()
    cardToLose = ''
    for k in favoriteCards:
        if k in mycards:
            cardToLose = k
    for k in mycards:
        if not k in favoriteCards:
            cardToLose = k
    return reveal_to_punishment[cardToLose]

with open(filename, "r+") as history:
    line = "\n"
    stealHappened = 0
    oppcardcount = 4 - len(mycards)
    for a in history:
        line = a
        if line[0] == 'S':
            stealHappened = 1
        if [c for c in line if c in lossActions]:
            oppcardcount -= 1
    action = legalActions[0]
    if set(obviousActions).intersection(legalActions):
        # Always take these actions if possible
        for a in set(obviousActions).intersection(legalActions):
            action = a
    elif 'q' in legalActions and line[-1] in 's':
        # We need this gone
        action = 'q'
    elif 'E' in legalActions and '~' in mycards:
        action = 'E'
    elif 'A' in legalActions and (len(mycards) == 1 or mycoins >= 3*oppcardcount+(2 if stealHappened and oppcardcount>1 else 0)):
        action = 'A'
    elif 'T' in legalActions:
        action = 'T'
    elif 'd' in legalActions:
        action = 'd'
    elif 'c' in legalActions and '*' in mycards:
        action = 'c'
    elif 'a' in legalActions and '~' in mycards:
        action = 'a'
    elif 's' in legalActions:
        if '!' in mycards:
            action = 's'
        elif len(mycards) == 1:
            action = random.choice('sq')
            action = pickCardToLose()
    elif 'p' in legalActions:
        action = 'p'
    elif line == 'A' or line == 'C':
        # Taking damage
        action = pickCardToLose()
    elif len(line) == 2 and line[1] == 'q':
        # My base action was successfully challenged
        action = pickCardToLose()+"\n"
    elif len(line) == 3 and line[1] == 'q':
        # I failed challenging a base action
        action = pickCardToLose()
    elif len(line) == 3 and line[2] == 'q':
        # My block was successfully challenged
        action = pickCardToLose()
    elif len(line) == 4 and line[2] == 'q':
        # I failed challenging a block
        action = pickCardToLose()+"\n"

if len(mycards) > 2:
    # Losing two cards.  Decide which is most valuable.
    favoriteCards = getFavoriteCards()
    possibleCards = [k for k in favoriteCards if k in mycards]
    if mycards.count('^') > 1:
        # Hooray assassins!
        possibleCards = ['^'] + possibleCards
    if len(possibleCards) < len(mycards) - 2:
        possibleCards = list(mycards)
    mycards = ''.join(possibleCards[:(len(mycards)-2)])
    print mycards
Semua ditambahkan ke papan peringkat, dan melakukannya dengan cukup baik! Bolehkah saya menyarankan mengubah nama Betrayer menjadi Turncoat? Jadikan itu sedikit lebih dramatis :)
Purple P
@PurpleP Berganti nama! "Pengkhianat" adalah pilihan yang tergesa-gesa; itu sebenarnya dinamai menurut diriku selama pengembangan, tapi itu tidak tampak benar ketika aku punya banyak kontestan.
Kalkulator telah ditambahkan ke papan peringkat.
Purple P
Selamat, Kalkulator adalah King of the Hill!
Purple P


Solver mencoba mengingat kartu apa yang dimainkan sebelumnya dan apa gerakan lawan sebelumnya.

ini adalah versi ke-2 yang belum selesai (dan sekarang berantakan)

untuk membuatnya bekerja pada simpul 10 tambahkan competitors.append(Player("Solver", ["node", "--experimental-modules", "./solver.mjs"]))

jika simpul 12 competitors.append(Player("Solver", ["node", "./solver.js"]))

hati-hati dengan jenis file

import  fs from 'fs'
import { promisify } from 'util'

const appendFile = promisify(fs.appendFile)
const writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile)
const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile)

const delay = ms => new Promise(_ => setTimeout(_, ms));

let [filename, othercoins, mycoins, mycards ] = process.argv.slice(2)
othercoins = +othercoins
mycoins = +mycoins

const move = async m => await appendFile(filename, m)
const message = m => process.stdout.write(m)
const endTurn = async _ => await move(`\n`) 

const stateFileName = `./state.json`

const defaultState = {
    inTheDeck: [],
    oponentCards: [],
    oponentMissingTempCard: "",
    oponentMissingCards: [],
    oponentDropedCards: [],
    oponentCardModifier: 0

const CardTypes = Object.freeze({
    Ambassador : `Ambassador`,
    Assassin : `Assassin`,
    Captain  : `Captain`,
    Contessa : `Contessa`,
    Duke     : `Duke`,

const revealTable = Object.freeze({
    [CardTypes.Ambassador]: `~`,
    [CardTypes.Assassin]: `^`,
    [CardTypes.Captain]: `*`,
    [CardTypes.Contessa]: `!`,
    [CardTypes.Duke]: `$`,

const giveUpTable = Object.freeze({
    [CardTypes.Ambassador]: `_`,
    [CardTypes.Assassin]: `'`,
    [CardTypes.Captain]: `<`,
    [CardTypes.Contessa]: `=`,
    [CardTypes.Duke]: `0`,

function GetRevealCardChar(cardType) {
    return revealTable[cardType]

function GetRevealCardType(char) {
    return Object.keys(revealTable).find(key => revealTable[key] === char)

function GetGiveUpCardChar(cardType) {
    return giveUpTable[cardType]

function GetGiveUpCardType(char) {
    return Object.keys(giveUpTable).find(key => giveUpTable[key] === char)

async function GiveUpCard(cardType, endTurn = false) {
    return await move(
        GetGiveUpCardChar(cardType) + `${endTurn?`\n`:``}`

function OponentCanHave(cardType) {
    // it has it
    if (!!~state.oponentCards.indexOf(cardType)) return true

    if (state.oponentCards.length + state.oponentDropedCards.length >= 2) return false

    return true

function GiveCard(getOrder = false) {
    // TODO: Tactic
    const giveAwayOrder = [

    const tmp =  mycards

    let [unique, duplicate] = tmp.reduce(([unique, duplicate], item) => {
        return unique.includes(item) ? 
            [unique, [...duplicate, item]] :
            [[...unique, item], duplicate]
    , [[],[]])

        (a, b) => giveAwayOrder.indexOf(a) - giveAwayOrder.indexOf(b));
        (a, b) => giveAwayOrder.indexOf(a) - giveAwayOrder.indexOf(b))

    const out = [...duplicate, ...unique]

    return getOrder? out: GetGiveUpCardChar(out[0]);

const iHaveAmbassador = !!~mycards.indexOf(`~`)
const iHaveAssassin = !!~mycards.indexOf(`^`)
const iHaveCaptain = !!~mycards.indexOf(`*`)
const iHaveContessa = !!~mycards.indexOf(`!`)
const iHaveDuke = !!~mycards.indexOf(`$`)

let state = defaultState

;(async ()=>{
    const data = (await readFile(filename, `utf8`)).replace(/\r/g, ``)

    const isNewGame = data === "" && mycoins === 1 && othercoins === 1

    if (isNewGame) {
        await writeFile(stateFileName, JSON.stringify(state))
    } else {
        state = JSON.parse(await readFile(stateFileName, `utf8`))
    let line = data.split(/\n/g).pop()

    // I am in the exchnage
    if (mycards.length >= 3) {
        const [c1, c2] = GiveCard(true).reverse()

        if (mycards.length === 3) {
        if (mycards.length === 4) {
            state.inTheDeck.push(c1, c2)
        return await move(`\n`)

    const newTurn = line === ``

    if (newTurn) {
        if (mycoins >= 7) {
            return await move(`C`)

        if (othercoins >= 6) {
            if (iHaveCaptain) 
                return await move(`S`)

            if (mycoins <= 6 && mycards.length <= 1) {
                // TODO: bluff 

        if (
            !iHaveDuke &&
            !iHaveContessa &&
        ) {
            return await move(`E`)

        // Assasinate if oponent has no Contessa
        if (
            mycoins >= 3 &&
            iHaveAssassin &&
        ) {
            return await move(`A`)

        if (iHaveDuke) {

            return await move(`T`)

        return await move(`I\n`)

    // Exchange
    if (line === `Eq`) {
        if (iHaveAmbassador)
            return await move(GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Ambassador))

        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0])

    // Tax Challenge
    if(line === `Tq`) {
        if (iHaveDuke)
            return await move(GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Duke))

        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0])

    if (line === `Sa`) {
        if (!~state.oponentCards.indexOf(CardTypes.Ambassador)) {
            state.oponentMissingTempCard = CardTypes.Ambassador
            return await move(`q`)
        return await endTurn()

    if (line === `Sc`) {
        if (!~state.oponentCards.indexOf(CardTypes.Captain)) {
            state.oponentMissingTempCard = CardTypes.Captain
            return await move(`q`)
        return await endTurn()

    if (line=== `Saq${GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Ambassador)}`) {
        state.oponentMissingTempCard = ``
        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0], true)

    if (line=== `Scq${GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Captain)}`) {
        state.oponentMissingTempCard = ``
        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0], true)

    if (line === `Sq`) {
        if (iHaveCaptain)
            return await move(GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Captain))

        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0])

    // Assassinate Block and Chalange it
    if (line === `As`) {
        state.oponentMissingTempCard = CardTypes.Contessa
        return await move(`q`)

    // Assasint blocked by Contessa
    if (line === `Asq${GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Contessa)}`) {
        state.oponentMissingTempCard = ``
        // Assassin useless here lets give it up
        return await GiveUpCard(CardTypes.Assassin, true)

    // Assassinate challenge
    if (line === `Aq`) {
        if (iHaveAssassin)
            return await move(GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Assassin))

        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0])

    // Defense Moves
    if (line === `C`) {
        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0])

    if (line === `A`) {
        if (iHaveContessa)
            return await move(`s`)

        if (!!~state.oponentCards.indexOf(CardTypes.Assassin)) {
            // If oponent has an Assasin card lets bluff
            return await move(`s`)
        } else {
            state.oponentMissingTempCard = CardTypes.Assassin
            return await move(`q`)


    if (line === `Aq${GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Assassin)}`) {
        state.oponentMissingTempCard = ``
        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0], true)

    if (line === `Asq`) {
        if (iHaveContessa)
            return await move(GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Contessa))

        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0])

    if (line === `S`) {
        if (iHaveAmbassador)
            return await move(`a`)

        if (iHaveCaptain)
            return await move(`c`)

        return await move(`p`)

    if (line === `Saq`) {
        if (iHaveAmbassador)
            return await move(GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Ambassador))

        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0])

    if (line === `Scq`) {
        if (iHaveCaptain)
            return await move(GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Captain))

        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0])

    if (line === `F`) {
        if (iHaveDuke)
            return await move(`d`)

        return await move(`p`)

    if (line === `Fdq`) {
        if (iHaveDuke)
            return await move(GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Duke))

        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0])

    if (line === `E`) {
        if (!OponentCanHave(CardTypes.Ambassador)) {
            return await move(`q`)

        state.oponentCards = []
        state.oponentMissingCards = []
        state.oponentMissingTempCard = ''

        return await move(`p`)

    if (line === `Eq${GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Ambassador)}`) {
        console.error(111, `THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN`)
        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0])

    if (line === `T`) {
        if (!OponentCanHave(CardTypes.Duke)) {
            return await move(`q`)
        return await move(`p`)

    if (line === `Tq${GetRevealCardChar(CardTypes.Duke)}`) {
        console.error(111, `THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN`)
        return await GiveUpCard(GiveCard(true)[0])

    // remove oponents drop card from the state
    // can't detect if oponent has the same card twice
    if (!!~Object.values(giveUpTable).indexOf(line.substr(-1))) {
        // Catch the bluff
        if (state.oponentMissingTempCard !== "") {
            state.oponentMissingTempCard = ""

        // maybe we should asume user doeas not has the same card?

        const cardType = GetGiveUpCardType(line.substr(-1))
        state.oponentCards.filter(c => c !== cardType)

    return await endTurn()

.then(async () => {
    await writeFile(stateFileName, JSON.stringify(state))

Karena Anda tidak pernah menantang Pertukaran lawan, Anda mungkin ingin menjelaskannya, karena itu membuat pengetahuan Anda tentang kartu mereka tidak berlaku.
Purple P
Versi baru sudah habis, ini agak berurusan dengan Exchange
Saya akan memperbarui leaderboard ketika Anda menerbitkan versi yang sudah selesai.
Purple P
Terima kasih, saya baru saja merilis Jika pemain menunjukkan kartunya, kartu itu dikeluarkan dari tangannya dan ditambahkan kembali ke geladak. Itu membuat setengah dari logika saya salah: DI harus memperbaikinya. (Saya terkejut bagaimana saya membuat skor bagus dengan logika buruk) <--- 2 giliran terakhir! telah dihapus tanganku. Atau itu bug?
Itu bukan bug. Ketika Anda mengungkapkan kartu untuk memenangkan tantangan, itu dihapus dari tangan Anda dan Anda diberikan yang baru dari geladak.
Purple P


Pengacara membuat jalannya dengan hati-hati melalui dunia, tidak pernah berbohong, menghalangi bila mungkin, menantang ketika tidak segera merugikannya. Dia tidak menyerang kecuali jika diminta melalui kuping, tetapi akan mengambil koin sesering mungkin untuk kudeta dengan cepat. Dia cukup pintar untuk mengorbankan kartu yang tidak dia gunakan pertama kali, tetapi tidak cukup pintar untuk menggunakannya untuk menyingkirkannya dan mendapatkan yang baru.

import sys

_, filename, othercoins, mycoins, mycards = sys.argv[:5]

def give_card():
    if "^" in mycards:
        return "'"
    if "~" in mycards:
        return "_"
    if "!" in mycards:
        return "="
    if "*" in mycards:
        return "<"
    return "0"

with open(filename, "r+") as history:
    line = "\n"
    for a in history:
        print("line:", a)
        line = a
    if line.endswith("\n"):
        if int(mycoins) >= 10:
        elif "$" in mycards:
        elif "*" in mycards and int(othercoins) > 0:
    elif line == "F":
        if "$" in mycards:
    elif line == "C":
    elif line == "E":
        if len(mycards) > 1:
    elif line == "T":
        if len(mycards) > 1:
    elif line == "A":
        if "!" in mycards:
    elif line == "S":
        if "~" in mycards:
        elif "*" in mycards:
        elif len(mycards) > 1:
    elif line.endswith("d") and len(mycards) > 1:
    elif line.endswith("a") and len(mycards) > 1:
    elif line.endswith("c") and len(mycards) > 1:
    elif line.endswith("s") and len(mycards) > 1:
    elif line.endswith("sq"):
    elif line.endswith("aq"):
    elif line.endswith("cq"):
    elif line.endswith("dq"):
    elif line.endswith("Tq"):
    elif line.endswith("Sq"):
    elif line[-1] in "~^*!$":
        if line[-3] in "acds":

Mungkin ada bug dalam program ini. Ketika Anda menemukan mereka, tolong beri tahu saya.

@PurpleP Poin bagus. Saya memperbaikinya. Keterampilan membuat keputusan sangat penting bagi pengacara yang baik.
Sudahkah Anda memverifikasi bahwa file tersebut sebenarnya tidak diakhiri dengan baris baru? (mis. membuka file dan melihat huruf besar di tengah baris?) Saya mencari penyebabnya, dan ingin memastikan bahwa itu dikecualikan.
@PurpleP Dapatkah saya mengunggah versi debugging yang menggunakan STDOUT untuk tujuan non-pertukaran, dan sudahkah Anda mengirimkan hasilnya kembali kepada saya?
Topeng dan Pengacara bisa masuk ke lingkaran yang menyebabkan mereka berdua kalah. Jika Pengacara memiliki satu kartu yang bukan Duke, ia akan selalu mencoba mencuri. Kemudian Mask akan selalu mengklaim Duta Besar untuk memblokirnya dan Exchange untuk menutupi jejaknya. Contoh game. Saya tidak mengeluh atau meminta Anda untuk memperbaikinya; Aku hanya ingin kamu tahu karena itu agak lucu.
Purple P


Random tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, jadi dia secara acak memilih sesuatu yang legal.

package main

import (

func main() {
    filename := os.Args[1]
    ourCards := os.Args[4]
    legalActions := os.Args[5:]
    file, _ := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0755)
    defer file.Close()

    switch len(ourCards) {
    case 3:
    case 4:
        i1 := 0
        i2 := 0
        for ok := true; ok; ok = i1 == i2 {
            i1 = rand.Intn(4)
            i2 = rand.Intn(4)
        keptCards := []byte{ourCards[i1], ourCards[i2]}


Challenger tidak mempercayai siapa pun dalam permainan tipuan ini. Jika Anda melakukan sesuatu yang menantang, dia akan menantang Anda. Kalau tidak, dia hanya mengambil penghasilan setiap belokan dan mencoba untuk menggugat Anda jika dia memiliki koin.

package main

import (

var revealToPunishment = map[byte]byte{'~': '_', '^': '\'', '*': '<', '!': '=', '$': '0'}

func main() {
    filename := os.Args[1]
    coinCount := os.Args[3]
    ourCards := os.Args[4]
    file, _ := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDWR, 0755)
    defer file.Close()

    rawBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(file)
    if len(rawBytes) == 0 {
    lines := bytes.Split(rawBytes, []byte{'\n'})
    switch rawBytes[len(rawBytes)-1] {
    case '\n':
        // Our turn, do we have enough coins for a Coup?
        if c, _ := strconv.Atoi(coinCount); c >= 7 {
            // We don't, so take income.
        } else {
    // Opponent did something challengeable. We don't believe them for a second.
    // Challenge it.
    case 'E', 'T', 'A', 'S', 'a', 'c', 'd', 's':
    // Opponent Couped us or our challenge failed. Give up a card.
    case 'C':
    case '~', '*', '^', '!', '$':
        lastLine := lines[len(lines)-1]
        switch lastLine[len(lastLine)-3] {
        case 'a', 'c', 'd', 's':
    // Our challenge succeeded or we Couped the opponent! End our turn.
    case '_', '\'', '<', '=', '0':
        // Opponent took some other action. Let it pass.

Kompilasi program-program ini dengan go build random.go/challenger.godan jalankan dengan ./randomatau ./challenger.

Ungu P
Saya sarankan untuk tidak menggunakan gender untuk program komputer. Sudah ada cukup bias jender dalam komunitas pemrograman, dan kata ganti laki-laki yang gagal menunjukkan lebih lanjut bahwa perempuan tidak disukai.
Greg Martin

Petugas pajak

Taxman ada di sini untuk mengambil pajak. Gunakan pembunuh jika mereka memilikinya. Hanya memblokir jika mereka memiliki kartu untuk diblokir. Secara acak tantangan.

Ditulis dalam c #, saya menghabiskan terlalu lama membangun hirarki kelas untuk semua tindakan berbeda yang dapat diambil.

Sunting: Sekarang dengan logika yang ditingkatkan seperti tidak mengklaim memiliki adipati ketika mereka menyerah adipati setelah ditantang. Juga tidak lagi mencoba untuk terus membunuh jika lawan memblok dengan contessa (dan tidak ditantang).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

internal static class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Can't figure out how to pass newline as a command line arg.
        for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
            if (args[i] == "I\\n")
                args[i] = "I\n";
        if (!ProcessArgs(args, out string filename, out int opCoin, out int myCoin, out IEnumerable<Card> cards, out IEnumerable<Output> validOutputs))
            Console.WriteLine("Error with args.");

        var taxman = new Taxman(filename, opCoin, myCoin, cards, validOutputs);

    private static bool ProcessArgs(string[] args, out string filename, out int opCoin, out int myCoin, out IEnumerable<Card> cards, out IEnumerable<Output> validOutputs)
        if (args.Length < 4)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Error: Not enough args.");
        bool success = true;

        filename = args[0];
        success &= int.TryParse(args[1], out opCoin) && opCoin >= 0 && opCoin <= 12;
        success &= int.TryParse(args[2], out myCoin) && myCoin >= 0 && myCoin <= 12;

        cards = Card.ParseSymbols(args[3]);

        IEnumerable<char> validOutputArgs = args.Skip(4).Select(outputArg => outputArg.First());
        // Income and Surrenders on our turn include \n, we use chars below so don't include the newline, hence the call to .First().
        // Code below should be smart enough to also write a newline if necessary.

        validOutputs = Output.ParseSymbols(validOutputArgs);
        return success;

internal sealed class Taxman
    private const string _OustedAsDukeFileName = "MyTotallyCoolStateFile.txt";
    private const string _OppClaimsContessaFileName = "OppClaimsContess.txt";
    private readonly Random _Rand = new Random();
    private readonly List<Card> _GiveUpPreferences = new List<Card> { Card.Duke, Card.Assassin, Card.Ambassador, Card.Contessa, Card.Captain };

    private double BaseProbabilityToChallenge => 0.1d;
    private bool _Written = false;
    private bool _MyTurn;
    private bool? _OustedAsDuke = null;
    private bool? _OppClaimsContessa = null;

    private string FileName { get; }
    private int OppCoin { get; }
    private int MyCoin { get; }
    private IEnumerable<Card> Cards { get; }
    private IEnumerable<Output> ValidOutputs { get; }
    private IEnumerable<Output> GameSoFar { get; }
    private int OppCardCount { get; }
    private int MyCardCount => Cards.Count();

    private int OppScore => (10 * OppCardCount) + OppCoin;
    private int MyScore => (10 * MyCardCount) + MyCoin;

    private bool OustedAsDuke
            if (_OustedAsDuke.HasValue)
                return _OustedAsDuke.Value;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(File.ReadAllText(_OustedAsDukeFileName)))
                    _OustedAsDuke = false;
                    return false;
                    _OustedAsDuke = true;
                    return true;
            File.WriteAllText(_OustedAsDukeFileName, value ? "Ousted" : string.Empty);
            _OustedAsDuke = value;

    private bool OppClaimsContessa
            if (_OppClaimsContessa.HasValue)
                return _OppClaimsContessa.Value;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(File.ReadAllText(_OppClaimsContessaFileName)))
                    _OppClaimsContessa = false;
                    return false;
                    _OppClaimsContessa = true;
                    return true;
            File.WriteAllText(_OppClaimsContessaFileName, value ? "Claimed" : string.Empty);
            _OppClaimsContessa = value;

    public Taxman(string fileName, int oppCoin, int myCoin, IEnumerable<Card> cards, IEnumerable<Output> validOutputs)
        FileName = fileName; OppCoin = oppCoin; MyCoin = myCoin; Cards = cards; ValidOutputs = validOutputs;

        GameSoFar = ReadFile();

        //calculate how many cards the opponent has.
        int giveUps = GameSoFar.Count(output => output is GiveUp);
        int myGiveUps = 2 - MyCardCount;
        var oppGiveUps = giveUps - myGiveUps;
        OppCardCount = 2 - oppGiveUps;

    public void DukeEm()
        if (Cards.Skip(2).Any())

        var prev = GameSoFar.LastOrDefault() ?? Output.EndTurn;
        if (prev == Output.EndTurn) // Income is I\n so shows up as an EndTurn
        else if (prev == Action.ForeignAid)
            if (!OustedAsDuke)
        else if (prev == Action.Coup)
        else if (prev == ChallengeableAction.Exchange || prev == ChallengeableAction.Tax)
            if (ShouldChallenge((ChallengeableAction)prev))
        else if (prev == ChallengeableAction.Assassinate)
        else if (prev == ChallengeableAction.Steal)
        else if (prev == Block.Duke || prev == Block.Ambassador || prev == Block.Captain || prev == Block.Contessa)
            Debug.Assert(prev == Block.Contessa, "We should never take an action that a different card would block.");

            if (ShouldChallenge((Block)prev))
                OppClaimsContessa = true;
        else if (prev == Output.Pass)
        else if (prev == Output.Challenge)
            var challengedOutput = (IChallengeable)GameSoFar.TakeLast(2).First();
        else if (prev is Card)
        else if (prev is GiveUp)
            if (prev == GiveUp.Contessa)
                OppClaimsContessa = false;

            Debug.Fail("Should have hit one of the conditions above.");

    private void Exchange()
        int handSize = MyCardCount - 2;
        var cardsToKeep = new List<Card>();
        var workingCards = Cards.ToList();

        while (cardsToKeep.Count < handSize)
            if (!cardsToKeep.Contains(Card.Duke) && workingCards.Remove(Card.Duke))
            else if (!cardsToKeep.Contains(Card.Assassin) && !OppClaimsContessa && workingCards.Remove(Card.Assassin))
            else if (!cardsToKeep.Contains(Card.Ambassador) && workingCards.Remove(Card.Ambassador))
            else if (!cardsToKeep.Contains(Card.Contessa) && workingCards.Remove(Card.Contessa))
            else if (!cardsToKeep.Contains(Card.Captain) && workingCards.Remove(Card.Captain))
        var keptCards = new string(cardsToKeep.Select(card => card.Symbol).ToArray());

    private IEnumerable<Output> ReadFile()
        var text = File.ReadAllText(FileName);

        // Check if we're at the start of the game, 1 character means our opponent went first.
        if (text == null || text.Length <= 1)
            // Do any start up like creating a state file.
            Debug.Assert(MyCardCount == 2 && MyCoin == 1 && OppCoin == 1, "Should always start with 2 cards in hand and have 1 coin each.");
            using (File.Create(_OustedAsDukeFileName))
            using (File.Create(_OppClaimsContessaFileName))
            { ; }

        var lastLine = text.Split('\n').LastOrDefault();
        _MyTurn = lastLine == null || lastLine.Length % 2 == 0;

        return Output.ParseSymbols(text);

    private void ChooseAction()
        if (MyCoin >= 3 && Cards.Contains(Card.Assassin))
            // If we have the coins to assasinate and have the card to assasinate then go for it.
        else if (MyCoin >= 7)
            // If we have the coins to coup then go for it.
        else if (Cards.Contains(Card.Ambassador) && !Cards.Contains(Card.Duke))
            // If we don't /actually/ have a duke but we do have ambassador and can exchange into one, then try do that.
            // TODO if we've exchanged multiple times already perhaps we should try something different?
        else if (!OustedAsDuke)
            // Take tax because We totally always have a duke.
            // Except if we've been previously challenged and shown to not have a duke, in which case exchange to get a new Duke.
            // Even if we don't find a duke from the exchange we can pretend that we did.
            OustedAsDuke = false;

    private void RespondToAssassinate()
        if (Cards.Contains(Card.Contessa))
        else if (MyCardCount <= 1)
            // We will lose if we don't challenge or block.
            if (ShouldRandomChallenge(0.5d))
        else if (ShouldChallenge(ChallengeableAction.Assassinate))

    private void RespondToSteal()
        // prefer to block with ambassador before captain.
        if (Cards.Contains(Card.Ambassador))
        else if (Cards.Contains(Card.Captain))
        else if (ShouldChallenge(ChallengeableAction.Steal))
        // TODO if opp is continually stealing we need to figure out who wins the race if we keep taking Tax.

    private void RespondToChallenge(IChallengeable challengedAction)
        if (Cards.Contains(challengedAction.RequiredCard))

        if (challengedAction == ChallengeableAction.Tax)
            OustedAsDuke = true;

    private void GiveUpDecide()
        Write(Cards.OrderBy(card => _GiveUpPreferences.IndexOf(card)).Last().GiveUp);

        if (_MyTurn)

    private bool ShouldChallenge(IChallengeable prev)
        // Never challenge if we're far enough ahead, always challenge if far enough behind
        if (MyScore > (OppScore + 7))
            return false;
        else if (MyScore < (OppScore - 10))
            return true;
            if (prev == ChallengeableAction.Assassinate)
                return ShouldRandomChallenge(BaseProbabilityToChallenge * 0.5d);
            else if (prev is Block)
                return ShouldRandomChallenge(BaseProbabilityToChallenge * 2d);
            else if (prev == ChallengeableAction.Tax && OppCoin >= 4 && MyCardCount <= 1 && (MyCoin < 7 || OppCardCount > 1))
                return true;
                return ShouldRandomChallenge(BaseProbabilityToChallenge);

    private bool ShouldRandomChallenge(double prob)
        return _Rand.NextDouble() < prob;

    private void WriteRandomValid()
        int index = _Rand.Next(0, ValidOutputs.Count());
        var randomOutput = ValidOutputs.ElementAt(index);

    private void Write(Output output)
        Debug.Assert(!_Written || (_MyTurn && output == Output.EndTurn), "If we've already written a value we shouldn't be trying to write another.");
        Debug.Assert(ValidOutputs.Contains(output), "Should only be writing valid outputs to file.");

        File.AppendAllText(FileName, output.Symbol.ToString());
        _Written = true;

internal class Output
    public static readonly Output Pass = new Output() { Symbol = 'p' };
    public static readonly Output Challenge = new Output() { Symbol = 'q' };
    public static readonly Output EndTurn = new Output() { Symbol = '\n' };

    private static readonly Output[] _BaseOutputs = new Output[3] { Pass, Challenge, EndTurn };

    protected Output() { }

    public static IEnumerable<Output> AllOutputs => ChallengeableAction.Actions.Concat(Block.Blocks.Concat(Card.Cards.Concat(GiveUp.GiveUps.Concat(_BaseOutputs))));

    public static IList<Output> ParseSymbols(IEnumerable<char> symbols)
        var parsedOutputs = new List<Output>();
        foreach (var symbol in symbols)
            if (symbol == '\r') continue; // newlines can show up as \r\n so need to skip the \r.
            var matchingOutput = AllOutputs.FirstOrDefault(output => output.Symbol == symbol);
            if (matchingOutput == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not parse Output symbol: \"{symbol}\"");
        return parsedOutputs;

    public char Symbol { get; protected set; }

internal sealed class Card : Output
    public static readonly Card Ambassador = new Card() { Symbol = '~', GiveUp = GiveUp.Ambassador, AvailableAction = ChallengeableAction.Exchange, AvalableBlock = Block.Ambassador };
    public static readonly Card Assassin = new Card() { Symbol = '^', GiveUp = GiveUp.Assassin, AvailableAction = ChallengeableAction.Assassinate };
    public static readonly Card Captain = new Card() { Symbol = '*', GiveUp = GiveUp.Captain, AvailableAction = ChallengeableAction.Steal, AvalableBlock = Block.Captain };
    public static readonly Card Contessa = new Card() { Symbol = '!', GiveUp = GiveUp.Contessa, AvalableBlock = Block.Contessa };
    public static readonly Card Duke = new Card() { Symbol = '$', GiveUp = GiveUp.Duke, AvailableAction = ChallengeableAction.Tax, AvalableBlock = Block.Duke };

    private static readonly Card[] _Cards = new Card[5] { Ambassador, Assassin, Captain, Contessa, Duke };

    private Card() { }

    public static IEnumerable<Card> Cards => _Cards;

    public GiveUp GiveUp { get; private set; }
    public ChallengeableAction AvailableAction { get; private set; }//=> ChallengeableAction.ChallengeableActions.SingleOrDefault(action => action.RequiredCard == this);
    public Block AvalableBlock { get; private set; }// => Block.Blocks.SingleOrDefault(block => block.RequiredCard == this);

    new public static IEnumerable<Card> ParseSymbols(IEnumerable<char> cardSymbols)
        var parsedCards = new List<Card>();
        foreach (var symbol in cardSymbols)
            var matchingCard = Cards.FirstOrDefault(card => card.Symbol == symbol);
            if (matchingCard == null) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not parse card symbol: {symbol}");
        return parsedCards;

internal class Action : Output
    public static readonly Action Income = new Action() { Symbol = 'I' };
    public static readonly Action ForeignAid = new Action() { Symbol = 'F', BlockedBy = new Block[1] { Block.Duke } };
    public static readonly Action Coup = new Action() { Symbol = 'C' };

    protected Action() : base() { }

    public IEnumerable<Block> BlockedBy { get; protected set; } = new Block[0];

internal sealed class ChallengeableAction : Action, IChallengeable
    public static readonly ChallengeableAction Tax = new ChallengeableAction() { Symbol = 'T' };
    public static readonly ChallengeableAction Assassinate = new ChallengeableAction() { Symbol = 'A', BlockedBy = new Block[1] { Block.Contessa } };
    public static readonly ChallengeableAction Exchange = new ChallengeableAction() { Symbol = 'E' };
    public static readonly ChallengeableAction Steal = new ChallengeableAction { Symbol = 'S', BlockedBy = new Block[2] { Block.Ambassador, Block.Captain } };

    private static readonly Action[] _Actions = new Action[7] { Income, ForeignAid, Coup, Tax, Assassinate, Exchange, Steal };
    private static readonly ChallengeableAction[] _ChallengeableActions = new ChallengeableAction[4] { Tax, Assassinate, Exchange, Steal };

    private ChallengeableAction() : base() { }

    public static IEnumerable<Action> Actions => _Actions;
    public static IEnumerable<ChallengeableAction> ChallengeableActions => _ChallengeableActions;

    public Card RequiredCard => Card.Cards.Single(card => card.AvailableAction == this);

internal sealed class Block : Output, IChallengeable
    public static readonly Block Duke = new Block() { Symbol = 'd' };
    public static readonly Block Ambassador = new Block() { Symbol = 'a' };
    public static readonly Block Captain = new Block() { Symbol = 'c' };
    public static readonly Block Contessa = new Block() { Symbol = 's' };

    private static readonly Block[] _Blocks = new Block[4] { Ambassador, Captain, Contessa, Duke };

    private Block() : base() { }

    public static IEnumerable<Block> Blocks => _Blocks;

    public Card RequiredCard => Card.Cards.Single(card => card.AvalableBlock == this);
    public Action ActionBlocked => ChallengeableAction.Actions.Single(action => action.BlockedBy.Contains(this));

internal sealed class GiveUp : Output
    public static readonly GiveUp Ambassador = new GiveUp() { Symbol = '_' };
    public static readonly GiveUp Assassin = new GiveUp() { Symbol = '\'' };
    public static readonly GiveUp Captain = new GiveUp() { Symbol = '<' };
    public static readonly GiveUp Contessa = new GiveUp() { Symbol = '=' };
    public static readonly GiveUp Duke = new GiveUp() { Symbol = '0' };

    private static readonly GiveUp[] _GiveUps = new GiveUp[5] { Ambassador, Assassin, Captain, Contessa, Duke };

    private GiveUp() : base() { }

    public static IEnumerable<GiveUp> GiveUps => _GiveUps;

    public Card Card => Card.Cards.Single(card => card.GiveUp == this);

internal interface IChallengeable { Card RequiredCard { get; } }
Saya tidak dapat mengomentari pos asli, tetapi saya ingin menunjukkan bug di arbiter, dalam determine_turn_effects(), tindakan Mencuri mengambil semua koin lawan. Itu harus mengambil paling banyak dua koin.
Ketika program ini mencoba pertukaran, ia kehilangan dengan mengeluarkan string kosong. Contoh game vs. Acak.
Purple P
Saya telah mengompilasinya dengan visual studio di windows. Ketika saya di rumah saya akan memastikan itu bekerja dengan Mono juga. Exchange menggunakan Console.WriteLine () untuk menulis untuk keluar. Ini berfungsi ketika saya mengujinya, saya akan menyelidiki lebih lanjut dan memperbaruinya.
Saya pikir masalahnya adalah Anda memeriksa "lastArg", tetapi kartu Exchange diberikan kepada Anda di indeks 3 seperti kartu lainnya.
Purple P
Ditambahkan ke papan peringkat.
Purple P

Rando Aggro Pengacara

Mirip dengan pengacara, itu hanya melakukan hal-hal hukum. Namun Assassinates, kudeta sebelumnya, dan ia memilih beberapa tindakan secara acak (seperti kapan harus Tantangan).

#! /usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import random

_, filename, othercoins, mycoins, mycards = sys.argv[:5]

def give_card():
    if "~" in mycards: # give up Ambassador
        return "_"
    if "!" in mycards: # give up Contessa
        return "="
    if "^" in mycards: # give up Assassin
        return "'"
    if "*" in mycards: # give up Captain
        return "<"
    return "0" # give up Duke

with open(filename, "r+") as history:
    line = "\n"
    for a in history:
        line = a # get the last line of the file
    print("{}, {}, {}, {}".format(line, othercoins, mycoins, mycards))
    if line.endswith("\n"): # it has an endline, eg this is a new action
        if int(mycoins) >= 7:
            history.write("C") # coup if I have to
        elif int(mycoins) >= 3 and "^" in mycards:
            history.write("A") # assassinate if I can
        elif "*" in mycards and int(othercoins) > 0:
            history.write("S") # steal if i can
        elif "$" in mycards:
            history.write("T") # tax if i can
        elif random.randint(0,1):
            history.write("F") # foreign aid 50% of the time
            history.write("I\n") # income
    elif line == "F": # they tried to foreign aid
        if "$" in mycards:
             history.write("d") # block if i can
    elif line == "C": # they coup, sad
    elif line == "E": # they Exchange
        if random.randint(0,1):
            history.write("q") # challenge 50% of the time
    elif line == "T": # they tax
        if random.randint(0,1):
            history.write("q") # challenge 50% of the time
    elif line == "A": # they assassinate
        if "!" in mycards:
            history.write("s") # block with contessa if i can
        elif random.randint(0,1):
            history.write("q") # challenge 50% of the time
            history.write(give_card()) # otherwise give up a card
    elif line == "S": # they steal
        if "~" in mycards:
            history.write("a") # block with ambassador if i can
        elif "*" in mycards:
            history.write("c") # block with captain if i can
        elif random.randint(0,1):
            history.write("q") # challenge 50% of the time
    elif line.endswith("d") and random.randint(0,1): # they block my foreign aid
        history.write("q") # challenge 50% of the time
    elif line.endswith("a") and random.randint(0,1): # they block as ambassador
        history.write("q") # challenge 50% of the time
    elif line.endswith("c") and random.randint(0,1): # they block as captain
        history.write("q") # challenge 50% of the time
    elif line.endswith("s") and random.randint(0,1): # they block as contessa
        history.write("q") # challenge 50% of the time
    elif line.endswith("sq"): # they challenged my contessa block
        history.write("!") # reveal that i have contessa (no condition because i never lie block)
    elif line.endswith("aq"): # they challenge my Ambassador block
        history.write("~") # reveal that i have a captain (no condition because i never lie block)
    elif line.endswith("cq"): # they challenged my Captain block
        history.write("*") # reveal that I have a Captain (no condition because i never lie block)
    elif line.endswith("dq"): # they challenge my Duke block
        history.write("$") # reveal that I have a Duke (no condition because i never lie block)
    elif line.endswith("Tq"): # they challenge my Tax 
        history.write("$") # reveal that I have a Duke (no condition because i fake tax)
    elif line.endswith("Aq"): # they challenge my assassinate
        history.write("^") # reveal that I had an Assasin
    elif line.endswith("Sq"): # they challenge my steal
        history.write("*") # reveal that I have a Captain
    elif line[-1] in "~^*!$": # they respond to my challenge successfully
        history.write(give_card()) # give up card
        if line[-3] in "acds":
Saya mengatur fungsi give_card untuk memberikan kartu yang tidak digunakan Pengacara terlebih dahulu. Jika Anda benar-benar menggunakan Assassin, Anda mungkin ingin mengatur ulang fungsi itu agar lebih lama.
Terima kasih telah memperhatikan itu, saya memilih pesanan yang berharap untuk membuatnya menggunakan duta besar tetapi kehabisan waktu. Saya mengubah perintah menyerah agar lebih masuk akal dan juga membuatnya lebih agresif dengan mencuri sebelum mengenakan pajak.


Topeng adalah master penyamaran. Dia mencegah lawan dari melacak kartunya dengan Bertukar setiap kali dia bertindak atau memblokir. Strategi kemenangannya adalah mengambil 3 koin sebagai Duke, lalu Assassinate.

Kompilasi dengan go build mask.go, jalankan dengan ./mask.

package main

import (

var revealToPunishment = map[byte]byte{'~': '_', '^': '\'', '*': '<', '!': '=', '$': '0'}
var assertedCardMap = map[byte]byte{'A': '^', 'E': '~', 'S': '*', 'T': '$', 'a': '~', 'c': '*', 's': '!', 'd': '$'}

func actWithOneCard(file *os.File, coinCount int, ourCards string) {
    if coinCount >= 7 {
    } else if ourCards == "$" {
    } else {

func mostRecentClaim(lines [][]byte) byte {
    // If we blocked and were not challenged on the opponent's last turn, return
    // what we claimed to have in the block.
    opponentsLastTurn := lines[len(lines)-1]
    switch b := opponentsLastTurn[len(opponentsLastTurn)-1]; b {
    case 'a', 'c', 's', 'd':
        return b
    // Otherwise, return the first character of our last turn.
    ourLastTurn := lines[len(lines)-2]
    return ourLastTurn[0]

func whatWePlanToDoNext(lines [][]byte, coinCount int) string {
    if len(lines) < 2 || mostRecentClaim(lines) == 'E' {
        if coinCount >= 3 {
            return "A"
        } else {
            return "T"
    } else {
        return "E"

func ourTurn(file *os.File, coinCount int, ourCards string, lines [][]byte) {
    if len(ourCards) == 1 {
        actWithOneCard(file, coinCount, ourCards)
    file.WriteString(whatWePlanToDoNext(lines, coinCount))

func handleChallenge(file *os.File, ourCards string, lines [][]byte) {
    lastLine := lines[len(lines)-1]
    attemptedAction := lastLine[len(lastLine)-2]
    assertedCard := assertedCardMap[attemptedAction]
    for i := range ourCards {
        if ourCards[i] == assertedCard && ourCards[i] != '\x00' {
    cardToGiveUp := giveUpCard(ourCards)
    switch attemptedAction {
    case 'a', 'c', 'd', 's':

func giveUpCard(ourCards string) byte {
    // If we have a Duke, give up the other card.
    if dukeIndex := strings.Index(ourCards, "$"); -1 < dukeIndex && len(ourCards) == 2 {
        return ourCards[(dukeIndex+1)%2]
    return ourCards[0]

func main() {
    filename := os.Args[1]
    coinCount, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[3])
    ourCards := os.Args[4]
    file, _ := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDWR, 0755)
    defer file.Close()

    rawBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(file)
    lines := bytes.Split(rawBytes, []byte{'\n'})
    if len(lines[len(lines)-1]) == 0 {
        lines = lines[:len(lines)-1]
    if len(rawBytes) == 0 {
    // Exchange. Prioritize Ambassador, Duke, Assassin.
    if len(ourCards) > 2 {
        var has_ambassador, has_duke, has_assassin bool
        var keptCards string
        for len(ourCards) > 2 {
            var i int
            if i = strings.Index(ourCards, "~"); !has_ambassador && i > -1 {
                keptCards += "~"
                has_ambassador = true
                ourCards = ourCards[:i] + ourCards[i+1:]
            } else if i = strings.Index(ourCards, "$"); !has_duke && i > -1 {
                keptCards += "$"
                has_duke = true
                ourCards = ourCards[:i] + ourCards[i+1:]
            } else if i = strings.Index(ourCards, "^"); !has_assassin && i > -1 {
                keptCards += "^"
                has_assassin = true
                ourCards = ourCards[:i] + ourCards[i+1:]
            } else {
                keptCards += ourCards[:1]
                ourCards = ourCards[1:]
        ourCards = keptCards
    switch rawBytes[len(rawBytes)-1] {
    case '\n':
        ourTurn(file, coinCount, ourCards, lines)
    // Opponent Couped us. Give up a card.
    case 'C':
    // Opponent blocked, or we Assassinated/Couped them. End our turn.
    case 'a', 'c', 'd', 's', 'p', '_', '\'', '<', '=', '0':
    case 'q':
        handleChallenge(file, ourCards, lines)
    // Opponent did something blockable, block it.
    case 'F':
    case 'A':
    case 'S':
        if strings.Contains(ourCards, "*") {
        } else {
    // Opponent took some other action. Let it pass.
Ungu P
Saya sarankan untuk tidak menggunakan gender untuk program komputer. Sudah ada cukup bias jender dalam komunitas pemrograman, dan kata ganti laki-laki yang gagal menunjukkan lebih lanjut bahwa perempuan tidak disukai.
Greg Martin
@GregMartin Jika ada wanita yang mengatakan bahwa penawaan saya yang aneh tentang pengajuan saya, membayangkan mereka sebagai orang-orang istana yang licik seperti dalam permainan kartu, membuatnya merasa tersinggung atau tidak disukai, maka saya akan mengubahnya dalam sekejap. Tapi kamu bukan wanita, Greg. Dan saya tidak suka bahwa Anda telah mengirimkan jawaban negatif yang paling saya upayakan, dan yang paling berhasil dalam tantangan saya sendiri - bukan karena itu tidak relevan atau jawaban yang buruk untuk pertanyaan, tetapi karena kesalahan sosial kecil. .
Purple P


Penjudi memiliki strategi yang disempurnakan tetapi mempercayai ususnya ketika suatu situasi tidak diperhitungkan dalam strategi kemenangannya. Dia mencoba mencuri banyak dan kudeta / pembunuhan bila memungkinkan.

Ditulis dalam Python3:

import sys
import random
import time

random.seed(time.time())  # lets keep it rather random

_, filename, othercoins, mycoins, mycards = sys.argv[:5]
legal_actions = sys.argv[5:]

othercoins = int(othercoins)
mycoins = int(mycoins)

income = 'I\n'

foreign_aid, coup, exchange, tax, assassinate, steal, block_aid, \
block_steal_amb, block_steal_cap, block_assassinate, \
pass_challange, do_challenge = "FCETASdacspq"

loosing_actions = "_'<=0"
loose_ambassador, loose_assassin, loose_captain, loose_contessa, loose_duke = loosing_actions
have_ambassador, have_assassin, have_captain, \
have_contessa, have_duke = "~^*!$"

actions_dict = {
    exchange: loose_ambassador, tax: loose_duke, assassinate: loose_assassin, steal: loose_captain,
    block_aid: loose_duke, block_steal_amb: loose_ambassador, block_steal_cap: loose_captain, block_assassinate: loose_contessa

def guess_opponents_hand():
    # get number of each card still in play and not in hand
    card_counts = [3] * 5
    card_give_up = list("_'<=0")
    with open(filename, 'r') as history:
        while True:
            line = history.readline()
            if not line:
            for card in card_give_up:
                if card in line:
                    card_counts[card_give_up.index(card)] -= 1

    have_cards = list("~^*!$")

    if sum(card_counts) == 15:
        num_cards = 2
    elif sum(card_counts) == 14:
        if len(mycards) == 1:
            num_cards = 2
            num_cards = 1
        num_cards = 1

    for card in mycards:
        card_counts[have_cards.index(card)] -= 1

    # randomly sample a hand for the opponent
    card_1 = sample_from_probabilities([i / sum(card_counts) for i in card_counts], card_give_up)
    if num_cards == 1:
        return card_1
    card_counts[card_give_up.index(card_1)] -= 1
    return card_1 + sample_from_probabilities([i / sum(card_counts) for i in card_counts], card_give_up)

def sample_from_probabilities(success_probabilities, actions):
    # weighted random
    return random.choices(actions, success_probabilities)[0]

def get_prev_char(line, x=1):
        return line[-1*x]
        return ""

def get_prev_line(lines):
        return lines[-2]
        return []

def give_card(not_swap=True):
    if have_ambassador in mycards:  # give up Ambassador
        return loose_ambassador if not_swap else have_ambassador
    if have_contessa in mycards:  # give up Contessa
        return loose_contessa if not_swap else have_contessa
    if have_assassin in mycards:  # give up Assassin
        return loose_assassin if not_swap else have_assassin
    if have_duke in mycards:  # give up duke
        return loose_duke if not_swap else have_duke
    return loose_captain if not_swap else have_captain  # give up captain

action = legal_actions[0]  # failsafe
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
    all_lines = file.readlines()
        curr_line = all_lines[-1]
    except IndexError:
        curr_line = ""

obvious_actions = ['C', '~', '^', '*', '!', '$']  # borrowed from Brilliand
obvious = list(set(obvious_actions).intersection((set(legal_actions))))

otherhand = guess_opponents_hand()

# take care of easy choices
if obvious:
    action = coup if coup in obvious else obvious[0]
elif len(set(list(loosing_actions)).intersection(set(legal_actions))) == len(set(legal_actions)):
    action = give_card()
elif len(set([i+'\n' for i in list(loosing_actions)]).intersection(set(legal_actions))) == len(set(legal_actions)):
    action = give_card() + '\n'
elif len(legal_actions) == 1:
    action = legal_actions[0]
elif assassinate in legal_actions and have_assassin in mycards:  # if we can legally assassinate, we try to
    action = assassinate
elif steal in legal_actions and othercoins > 1 and have_captain in mycards:  # we steal when we can or have to prevent a killing coup
    action = steal
elif steal in legal_actions and 7 <= othercoins <= 8 and len(mycards) == 1 and have_assassin not in mycards:
    action = steal
elif block_assassinate in legal_actions and have_contessa in mycards:
    action = block_assassinate
elif block_aid in legal_actions and have_duke in mycards:
    action = block_aid
elif block_steal_cap in legal_actions and have_captain in mycards:
    action = block_steal_cap
elif block_steal_amb in legal_actions and have_ambassador in mycards:
    action = block_steal_amb
elif tax in legal_actions and have_duke in mycards:
    action = tax
elif foreign_aid in legal_actions and foreign_aid in get_prev_line(all_lines):  # opponent wouldn't foreign aid with a duke
    action = foreign_aid
elif block_aid in legal_actions:
    if loose_duke not in otherhand and len(mycards) > 1:
        action = block_aid
        action = pass_challange if pass_challange in legal_actions else "\n"

elif do_challenge in legal_actions:
    no_challenge = pass_challange if pass_challange in legal_actions else "\n"
    action = do_challenge if len(mycards) > 1 else no_challenge  # failsafe
    if get_prev_char(curr_line) == block_aid and (not loose_duke in otherhand or len(mycards) > 1):  # we don't think opponent has a duke
        action = do_challenge
    elif get_prev_char(curr_line) == exchange:
        action = pass_challange
    elif block_assassinate in legal_actions:
        if len(mycards) == 1:
            if loose_assassin in otherhand and loose_contessa not in otherhand:
                action = block_assassinate
            elif loose_assassin not in otherhand:
                action = do_challenge
                action = random.choice([block_assassinate, do_challenge])
            action = give_card()
    elif block_steal_amb in legal_actions:
        if len(mycards) > 1 and 7 <= mycoins <= 8:
            if loose_captain in otherhand:
                probs = [0.4, 0.4, 0.2]
                probs = [0.2, 0.2, 0.6]

            action = sample_from_probabilities(probs, [block_steal_amb, block_steal_cap, do_challenge])
        elif len(mycards) == 1 and len(otherhand) == 1 and 7 <= mycoins <= 8:
            action = do_challenge  # worth the risk if we defend a winning move
            action = do_challenge if len(mycards) > 1 else pass_challange  # failsafe
            # go with default

    elif get_prev_char(curr_line) == tax and loose_duke not in otherhand and len(mycards) > 1:
        action = do_challenge
    elif get_prev_char(curr_line) == exchange:
        action = pass_challange
    elif get_prev_char(curr_line) in {block_steal_cap, block_steal_amb, block_aid, block_assassinate}:
        if get_prev_char(curr_line) == block_aid:
            action = do_challenge
        elif get_prev_char(curr_line) == block_assassinate:
            if len(otherhand) == 1 and loose_contessa not in otherhand:
                action = do_challenge
        elif get_prev_char(curr_line) == block_steal_amb:
            action = pass_challange if pass_challange in legal_actions else "\n"

# other choices shall be weighted random choices
elif len(set(legal_actions).intersection({assassinate, steal, tax, income, exchange})) >= 3:
    # decide between aggro ass, aggro steal, aggro Tax, Income, Exchange
    assumed_values = [(assassinate in legal_actions) * (loose_assassin not in otherhand) * 0.1 * len(mycards) * (len(otherhand) - 1) * (mycoins >= 3),
                      (othercoins > 1) * ((othercoins > 5 * 0.3) + othercoins * 0.05) * (len(mycards) - 1) * (loose_ambassador not in otherhand),
                      0.1 * (loose_duke not in otherhand) * (len(mycards) - 1)**(len(otherhand) - 1),
                      (have_ambassador in mycards) * 0.5/len(mycards)
    normalized_probs = [float(i) / sum(assumed_values) for i in assumed_values]
    actions = [assassinate, steal, tax, income, exchange]
    action = sample_from_probabilities(normalized_probs, actions)
elif get_prev_char(curr_line) == do_challenge or get_prev_char(curr_line) == coup:
    # we lost a challenge or coup
    card = give_card()
    action = card if card in legal_actions else action
    # We missed a case. This shouldn't happen. Please tell me so I can fix it!
    # Note: A failsafe always taking a legal action is in place, so please comment out the error raising after telling me :)
    raise RuntimeError("Please tell me this happened, give me the history file, comment out this line, "
                       "and replay. THANKS!")

with open(filename, "a") as history:

if len(mycards) > 2:
    mycards = mycards.replace(give_card(False), "", 1)
    mycards = mycards.replace(give_card(False), "", 1)

Ahli statistik

Tahu strategi kemenangannya, seperti penjudi, tetapi selalu mempercayai probabilitas maksimum alih-alih mengambil sampel secara acak dari mereka.

import sys
import random
import time

random.seed(time.time())  # lets keep it rather random

_, filename, othercoins, mycoins, mycards = sys.argv[:5]
legal_actions = sys.argv[5:]

othercoins = int(othercoins)
mycoins = int(mycoins)

income = 'I\n'

foreign_aid, coup, exchange, tax, assassinate, steal, block_aid, \
block_steal_amb, block_steal_cap, block_assassinate, \
pass_challange, do_challenge = "FCETASdacspq"

loosing_actions = "_'<=0"
loose_ambassador, loose_assassin, loose_captain, loose_contessa, loose_duke = loosing_actions
have_ambassador, have_assassin, have_captain, \
have_contessa, have_duke = "~^*!$"

actions_dict = {
    exchange: loose_ambassador, tax: loose_duke, assassinate: loose_assassin, steal: loose_captain,
    block_aid: loose_duke, block_steal_amb: loose_ambassador, block_steal_cap: loose_captain, block_assassinate: loose_contessa

def guess_opponents_hand():
    # get number of each card still in play and not in hand
    card_counts = [3] * 5
    card_give_up = list("_'<=0")
    with open(filename, 'r') as history:
        while True:
            line = history.readline()
            if not line:
            for card in card_give_up:
                if card in line:
                    card_counts[card_give_up.index(card)] -= 1

    have_cards = list("~^*!$")

    if sum(card_counts) == 15:
        num_cards = 2
    elif sum(card_counts) == 14:
        if len(mycards) == 1:
            num_cards = 2
            num_cards = 1
        num_cards = 1

    for card in mycards:
        card_counts[have_cards.index(card)] -= 1

    # randomly sample a hand for the opponent
    card_1 = sample_from_probabilities([i / sum(card_counts) for i in card_counts], card_give_up)
    if num_cards == 1:
        return card_1
    card_counts[card_give_up.index(card_1)] -= 1
    return card_1 + sample_from_probabilities([i / sum(card_counts) for i in card_counts], card_give_up)

def sample_from_probabilities(success_probabilities, actions):
    # statistical max, decide randomly on equivalent probabilities
    max_prob = max(success_probabilities)
    indicies = []
    idx = 0
    for i in success_probabilities:
        if i == max_prob:
        idx += 1
    choice = random.choice(indicies)
    return actions[choice]

def get_prev_char(line, x=1):
        return line[-1*x]
        return ""

def get_prev_line(lines):
        return lines[-2]
        return []

def give_card(not_swap=True):
    if have_ambassador in mycards:  # give up Ambassador
        return loose_ambassador if not_swap else have_ambassador
    if have_contessa in mycards:  # give up Contessa
        return loose_contessa if not_swap else have_contessa
    if have_assassin in mycards:  # give up Assassin
        return loose_assassin if not_swap else have_assassin
    if have_duke in mycards:  # give up duke
        return loose_duke if not_swap else have_duke
    return loose_captain if not_swap else have_captain  # give up captain

action = legal_actions[0]  # failsafe
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
    all_lines = file.readlines()
        curr_line = all_lines[-1]
    except IndexError:
        curr_line = ""

obvious_actions = ['C', '~', '^', '*', '!', '$']  # borrowed from Brilliand
obvious = list(set(obvious_actions).intersection((set(legal_actions))))

otherhand = guess_opponents_hand()

# take care of easy choices
if obvious:
    action = coup if coup in obvious else obvious[0]
elif len(set(list(loosing_actions)).intersection(set(legal_actions))) == len(set(legal_actions)):
    action = give_card()
elif len(set([i+'\n' for i in list(loosing_actions)]).intersection(set(legal_actions))) == len(set(legal_actions)):
    action = give_card() + '\n'
elif len(legal_actions) == 1:
    action = legal_actions[0]
elif assassinate in legal_actions and have_assassin in mycards:  # if we can legally assassinate, we try to
    action = assassinate
elif steal in legal_actions and othercoins > 1 and have_captain in mycards:  # we steal when we can or have to prevent a killing coup
    action = steal
elif steal in legal_actions and 7 <= othercoins <= 8 and len(mycards) == 1 and have_assassin not in mycards:
    action = steal
elif block_assassinate in legal_actions and have_contessa in mycards:
    action = block_assassinate
elif block_aid in legal_actions and have_duke in mycards:
    action = block_aid
elif block_steal_cap in legal_actions and have_captain in mycards:
    action = block_steal_cap
elif block_steal_amb in legal_actions and have_ambassador in mycards:
    action = block_steal_amb
elif tax in legal_actions and have_duke in mycards:
    action = tax
elif foreign_aid in legal_actions and foreign_aid in get_prev_line(all_lines):  # opponent wouldn't foreign aid with a duke
    action = foreign_aid
elif block_aid in legal_actions:
    if loose_duke not in otherhand and len(mycards) > 1:
        action = block_aid
        action = pass_challange if pass_challange in legal_actions else "\n"

elif do_challenge in legal_actions:
    no_challenge = pass_challange if pass_challange in legal_actions else "\n"
    action = do_challenge if len(mycards) > 1 else no_challenge  # failsafe
    if get_prev_char(curr_line) == block_aid and (not loose_duke in otherhand or len(mycards) > 1):  # we don't think opponent has a duke
        action = do_challenge
    elif get_prev_char(curr_line) == exchange:
        action = pass_challange
    elif block_assassinate in legal_actions:
        if len(mycards) == 1:
            if loose_assassin in otherhand and loose_contessa not in otherhand:
                action = block_assassinate
            elif loose_assassin not in otherhand:
                action = do_challenge
                action = random.choice([block_assassinate, do_challenge])
            action = give_card()
    elif block_steal_amb in legal_actions:
        if len(mycards) > 1 and 7 <= mycoins <= 8:
            if loose_captain in otherhand:
                probs = [0.4, 0.4, 0.2]
                probs = [0.2, 0.2, 0.6]

            action = sample_from_probabilities(probs, [block_steal_amb, block_steal_cap, do_challenge])
        elif len(mycards) == 1 and len(otherhand) == 1 and 7 <= mycoins <= 8:
            action = do_challenge  # worth the risk if we defend a winning move
            action = do_challenge if len(mycards) > 1 else pass_challange  # failsafe
            # go with default

    elif get_prev_char(curr_line) == tax and loose_duke not in otherhand and len(mycards) > 1:
        action = do_challenge
    elif get_prev_char(curr_line) == exchange:
        action = pass_challange
    elif get_prev_char(curr_line) in {block_steal_cap, block_steal_amb, block_aid, block_assassinate}:
        if get_prev_char(curr_line) == block_aid:
            action = do_challenge
        elif get_prev_char(curr_line) == block_assassinate:
            if len(otherhand) == 1 and loose_contessa not in otherhand:
                action = do_challenge
        elif get_prev_char(curr_line) == block_steal_amb:
            action = pass_challange if pass_challange in legal_actions else "\n"

# other choices shall be weighted random choices
elif len(set(legal_actions).intersection({assassinate, steal, tax, income, exchange})) >= 3:
    # decide between aggro ass, aggro steal, aggro Tax, Income, Exchange
    assumed_values = [(assassinate in legal_actions) * (loose_assassin not in otherhand) * 0.1 * len(mycards) * (len(otherhand) - 1) * (mycoins >= 3),
                      (othercoins > 1) * ((othercoins > 5 * 0.3) + othercoins * 0.05) * (len(mycards) - 1) * (loose_ambassador not in otherhand),
                      0.1 * (loose_duke not in otherhand) * (len(mycards) - 1)**(len(otherhand) - 1),
                      (have_ambassador in mycards) * 0.5/len(mycards)
    normalized_probs = [float(i) / sum(assumed_values) for i in assumed_values]
    actions = [assassinate, steal, tax, income, exchange]
    action = sample_from_probabilities(normalized_probs, actions)
elif get_prev_char(curr_line) == do_challenge or get_prev_char(curr_line) == coup:
    # we lost a challenge or coup
    card = give_card()
    action = card if card in legal_actions else action
    # We missed a case. This shouldn't happen. Please tell me so I can fix it!
    # Note: A failsafe always taking a legal action is in place, so please comment out the error raising after telling me :)
    raise RuntimeError("Please tell me this happened, give me the history file, comment out this line, "
                       "and replay. THANKS!")

with open(filename, "a") as history:

if len(mycards) > 2:
    mycards = mycards.replace(give_card(False), "", 1)
    mycards = mycards.replace(give_card(False), "", 1)

Program ini macet pada file kosong ketika berjalan lebih dulu. Ketika ia pergi kedua, crash dengan pesan seperti: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 94, in <module> otherhand = guess_opponents_hand() File "", line 61, in guess_opponents_hand card_counts[card_give_up.index(card_1)] -= 1 ValueError: ['_'] is not in list.
Purple P
dapat memperbaiki kesalahan itu. maaf, saya mempostingnya dengan agak terburu-buru. Saya akan memastikan untuk mengujinya dengan arbiter Anda sampai besok, tetapi satu bug yang jelas telah diperbaiki. maaf lagi.
Berita bagus, pertukaran Gambler bekerja di mesin saya! Itu masih macet jika lawannya mencoba Bantuan Luar Negeri dan tidak memiliki Duke, tetapi telah ditambahkan ke papan peringkat.
Purple P
@jaaq Masih kalah jika lawannya mencoba Bantuan Asing dan tidak memiliki Duke; perlu membalasnya dengan operan, bukan tikungan.
@jaaq Saya memperbaiki bug yang Brilliand sebutkan dan menambahkan ahli statistik ke leaderboard. Ketika entri Anda Dibunuh dengan satu kartu tersisa, mereka hangus dengan menulis\n alih-alih kartu yang ingin mereka menyerah. Dalam situasi seperti itu, lebih baik melawan dengan rintangan atau tantangan. Jika Gambler memenangkan 5 pertandingan yang hangus seperti ini, itu akan terjadi di tempat pertama.
Purple P