“Python to Java Converter Online” Kode Jawaban

Python to Java Converter Online

k, m, a, b = int(input()), int(input()), int(input()), int(input())
res = 0
for i in range(a, b+1):
    if i % k == 0:
        res += 1
    if i % m == 0:
        res -= 1
Open Ocelot

Python to Java Converter Online

s1= map(int,input().split(','))
s2= list(map(int,input().split(',')))
for i in s1:
    for j in range(len(s2)):
        if (i==s2[j]):
Homeless Hoopoe

Python to Java Converter Online

x = int(input(""));


res =1;


while count1!=x:

    res = count1 % 2;

    if res!=0:



Dhanush S

Python to Java Converter Online

Gifted Gerenuk

Python to Java Converter Online

class Solution(object):
   def distributeCandies(self, candies, num_people):
      res = [0 for i in range(num_people)]
      index = 0
      while candies>0:
         res[index%num_people] += min(candies,index+1)
      return res
ob1 = Solution()
Ugly Unicorn

Python to Java Converter Online

def remove_extra_consecutive(input_str, max_consecutive_chars):
    output, prev_char, current_char_seen = '', None, 0
    for current_char in input_str:
        if current_char == prev_char:
            current_char_seen += 1
            current_char_seen = 0
            prev_char = current_char
        if current_char_seen < max_consecutive_chars:
            output += current_char
    return output
Elegant Elk

Python to Java Converter Online

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class AMudanca {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  	Scanner leitor = new Scanner(System.in);
  	String msg;
  	while (leitor.hasNext()) {
  		int graus = leitor.nextInt();
  		if (graus == 360 || graus >= 0 && graus < 90) msg = "Bom Dia!!";
  		else if (graus >= 90 && graus < 180) msg = "Boa Tarde!!";
  		else if (graus >= 180 && graus < 270) msg = "Boa Noite!!";
  		else msg = "De Madrugada!!";
Average Alpaca

Python to Java Converter Online

for i in range(len(arr));
if '6' in strr:
    arr[i] = int(strr.replace('6','9'))
Testy Tarsier

Python to Java Converter Online

 Shortest word

# Reading text from user

text = input("Enter some text: ")

# Finding longest word
shortest = min(text.split(), key=len)

# Displaying longest word
print("Shortest word is: ", shortest)
print("And its length is: ", len(shortest)
Shreesh Gupta

Python to Java Converter Online

import hmac
import hashlib
import json

from urllib.parse import unquote

# @API_SECRET, clave secreta suministrada mediante correo electronico enviado a cada entidad

api_key_bytes= bytes(API_SECRET, 'utf-8')

# *************************************************************************************
# @data, en esta variable va el cuerpo del mensaje enviado en la peticion,
# este valor se debe modificar dependiendo el servicio que se desea consumir.
# los servicios que requieren esta modificacion son de tipo PUT y POST
# *************************************************************************************
data = {

data_str = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)
print('data_str: ', data_str)
# ***********************************************************************************
# se debe modificar la variable @path de acuerdo al servicio que se desea consumir,
# los servicios que requieren esta modificacion son de tipo GET o DELETE
# ***********************************************************************************
path = '' # inicialización requerida para consumir el servicio <<get Queja>>

signature = hmac.new(api_key_bytes,msg=data_str.encode('utf-8'),digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest().upper()
hmac = hmac.new("key".encode(), "message".encode(), digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

signature_path = hmac.new(api_key_bytes,msg=unquote(path).encode('utf-8'),digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest().upper()

# se utiliza para peticiones POST y PUT
print(f'Data - {signature}')

# se utiliza para peticiones GET y DELETE
print(f'URL - {signature_path}')
Cristhian Meza

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