“Pembaruan lumpur dan kembalikan yang baru” Kode Jawaban

Pembaruan lumpur dan kembalikan yang baru

const query = {} //your query here
const update = {} //your update in json here
const option = {new: true} //will return updated document

const user = await User.findOneAndUpdate(query , update, option)
Graceful Gerenuk

Contoh UpdateOne Mongoose

// Update the document using `updateOne()`
await CharacterModel.updateOne({ name: 'Jon Snow' }, {
  title: 'King in the North'

// Load the document to see the updated value
const doc = await CharacterModel.findOne();
doc.title; // "King in the North"
Lonely Loris

Perbarui Data Menggunakan Mongoose

const res = await Person.updateOne({ name: 'Jean-Luc Picard' }, { ship: 'USS Enterprise' });
res.n; // Number of documents matched
res.nModified; // Number of documents modified
Quaint Quagga

Perbarui Mongoose

const MyModel = mongoose.model('Test', new Schema({ name: String }));
const doc = new MyModel();

doc instanceof MyModel; // true
doc instanceof mongoose.Model; // true
doc instanceof mongoose.Document; // true
Adorable Anteater

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