“merusak objek js” Kode Jawaban

Objek Menghancurkan

const book = {
    title: 'Ego is the Enemy',
    author: 'Ryan Holiday',
    publisher: {
        name: 'Penguin',
        type: 'private'

const {title: bookName =  'Ego', author, name: {publisher: { name }} = book, type: {publisher: { type }} = book } = book;
Scary Snail

JavaScript Object Destructing

const employee = {name: ‘ANE01’, email: ‘[email protected]’, phone:’0112–345–6789'};
//with destucturing
const {name, email, phone} = employee;
//without destucturing
const name = employee.name;
const email = employee.email;
const phone = employee.phone;
Cute Civet

merusak objek js

const user = { id: 42, isVerified: true }

// grabs the property by name in the object, ignores the order
const { isVerified, id } = user;

// > true
Paul Pugh


const getTemperature = (atticData) => atticData?.celsius ?? 15;
// insted do
const getTemperature = ({ celsius = 15 } = {}) => celsius;

// https://realworldjs.medium.com/never-use-the-dot-operator-in-javascript-ee0339d85fb
Xenophobic Xenomorph

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