Contoh pemisah numerik di ES12

// Decimal integer literal with digits grouped by thousand.
let n1 = 1_000_000_000;
console.log(n1); // This will print: 1000000000

// Decimal literal with digits grouped by thousand.
let n2 = 1_000_000_000.150_200
console.log(n2); // This will print: 1000000000.1502

// Hexadecimal integer literal with digits grouped by byte.
let n3 = 0x95_65_98_FA_A9
console.log(n3); // This will print: 641654651561

// BigInt literal with digits grouped by thousand.
let n4 = 155_326_458_156_248_168_514n
console.log(n4); // This will print: 155326458156248168514n
Outrageous Ostrich