“Buka folder WSL di Windows Explorer” Kode Jawaban

Buka folder WSL di Windows Explorer

#go to network explorer and type below

Innocent Ibex

Windows Cara Mengakses WSL Dari Explorer

from explorer \\wsl$
from powershell: cd \\wsl$\<DistributionName> 

in my case DistributionName is Ubuntu20.04
Shy Stork

WSL Folder Linux Windows Access

#From win host
Open File Explorer.
Type \\wsl$\<wsl-distro-name> in the address bar.

#From the wsl distro 
#You can also map it to a specific folder in the win host if you want (symbolic link)
ls -s /wsl-dir-you-wanna-map /mnt/c/Users/<username>/<desired-path>

#by Leo Av

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